I say, fuck anyone who thinks we should be there.
Let’s start here.
[my answer, with some editing]
Anyone who has the US military at their disposal to secure it. And if that were our only purpose, we could immediately withdraw half our troops and turn the whole thing over to private contractors in a year or two.
But, there is more to the equation. You may have heard that heroin (poppies) is a big deal there. Behind oil and arms, drug trafficking is the worlds biggest industry and Afghanistan today produces over 90% of the world’s opium.
Prior to the year 2000, all thru the Clinton administration, it was just fine that the Taliban was the world’s largest heroin dealer and makin’ lots of money doing it. In 2000, the Taliban, to make their regime respectable to the world, banned poppy cultivation and by early 2001, poppies had all but been eradicated. Our ‘war’ on drugs should be so successful.
Then, conveniently, we had 9/11. We needlessly invaded Afghanistan (to kill US subsidized Saudis) and, within two years, poppy production was up to pre-invasion levels and has grown since. And, rolleyes, Hamid Karzai, the guy we recently democratically rolleyes installed as president was the Taliban’s chief drug lord. Anyone who has looked at the historical record of CIA involvement in drug trafficking to fund covert operations might see a correlation here.
Historically, US corporations, now in collaboration with Global Inc, have used the US military to establish and hold a global economic hegemony . This all out war on the world (with its huge human toll) benefits no one but those who arm and fuel it and those who profit peripherally.
Good night and good luck.
Fuck anyone who disagrees.