I was talking with one of my young underdrones at work the other day about our new office “policy” that our people were expected to be in the office four days a week if they weren’t on a project. I say “policy” because AFAICT it doesn’t seem to be enforced and there are plenty of loopholes and workarounds. I know some other companies are a bit more draconian in their application of their policies.
Anyhow, the point here isn’t to discuss the policies but the pros and cons of working from home, working at the office, or some combination of both.
Now due to the nature of my work, I’ve enjoyed some ability to work remotely since 2001. By the time right before COVID came around, I rarely went to my office, and when I did it was usually so empty I didn’t bother staying the entire day anyway.
So here are my thoughts:
When I was my Underdrone’s age, just starting a career in consulting in the late 90s/early 2000s, there was an advantage to coming to the office. You made friends and connections with your coworkers. Going out to lunch together or drinks after work was very common. There weren’t a lot of tools for remote collaboration, so you needed to be physically co-located.
Fast forward to even before COVID, whether it is a client site or the company I’m working for, very rarely have I found it beneficial to physically go to my office. I am managing teams and working with clients who are distributed globally anyway. My manager and leadership structure is also usually physically located somewhere else. Offices are like 75% empty and most of the other people there are from other teams or departments or just so focused on their work that they can’t interact with anyone else.
So I have to wonder, what is the point of having a bunch of random people sit in a big room together doing unrelated tasks with no supervision?