Let's Fly Away-- 1 Day Early! Jan. '13 Chick Tract!

The only way I can even begin to describe that oddity–writing is too charitable–is that Chick took a deck of cards with each card having one panel from any of his previous crud and simply shuffled the cards, then dealt out a new tract. That was some seriously bizarre insanity he published there.

Yeah, yeah, right. We all know about your Satanic bias! Chick tells the whole truth about the Mormons! :smiley:

I also love how the dad in TLG is just tickled pink at the thought of him and his family being tortured and executed. To quote Panel 6:

Dad: Persecution, new killer diseases, earthquakes and war all over… This could be The Last Generation!

Son-in-law: Really?

Dad: That’s why I’m so excited! …

What an asshole. Also, the dig at the RCC by seating the OWG in Rome. This is truly primo Chick.

Soylent green is made of Christians!

Okay. I watched some of it and am waiting of the video to finish loading so I can watch the entire thing. Now, we all know Chick’s a lying sack of whatever and that brings a couple of questions to my mind already from what little of the video I’ve seen already. First, what’s with the bit about somebody trying to assassinate the guy? I really don’t recall that. Second, he says he was in combat in Okinawa during World War II. Does anyone reputable recall seeing the guy there?

Shhhhh! Don’t tell everyone!

I dunno, but I doubt he’s lying. If you pay any attention to the documentary, you’ll find everybody agrees that this is a guy who cares nothing for his personal reputation. He shuns the spotlight, he won’t be interviewed or photographed, and he didn’t even want to call his company “Chick Publications,” that decision was made for him. No self-aggrandizer – it’s not about him, it’s about his message. As for assassination attempts, well, I didn’t say he’s free of paranoid delusions. In fact, I doubt he ever lies, even when he tells falsehoods – he’s more the type who is so gullible and so crazy that he can make shit up and sincerely believe it.

Unfortunately for me, The Last Generation was the first Chick Tract I’d read. Nothing ever came close again.

So, you’ve become habituated to the tracts? Built up a tolerance? You need to move on to the hard stuff, then. Try Crusaders Comics. (The first hit’s free . . .)

BTW, I must say this one disappointed me a bit, because, where’s the third act?! All it does is give Chick’s take on Mormon history. In the classic days of Crusaders Comix, the Crusaders would have done something to help the poor woman, beyond putting her on a bus. The murderers would have been brought to (man’s) justice. And, inevitably at some point in the story, some benighted but good-hearted Mormon would be shown his errors and get saved, by the real Jesus, not that cheap ZCMI store-brand knockoff Jeezis.

I haven’t cracked a virtual cover yet, but reading the deluded comments of some of the mags is almost just as fun.

“Supreme Justice Mahoney”? So the great perpetrator of evil persecution of christians is an Irish guy? Is that a subtle swipe at catholicism?

From Rome of all places. I’d say yes.

Although how this RCC OWG flipped from Cristianity to some idiotic mix of Wicca and assorted New Age woo, I’d love to know. I think a prequel is in order.

Certainly not. Jack Chick never makes a subtle swipe at Catholicism. Nor at anyone or anything else. The nearest thing he ever comes to subtlety is drawing a villain not specified as Jewish with unmistakably Jewish features – and, actually, Chick himself does not do that, his sometime-artist Fred Carter does. (You can tell the difference, Carter draws much less cartoonishly and more photorealistically; all the Crusaders Comics are Carter’s artwork.)

The answer is simple:

  1. There was no “flipping,” the Roman Catholic Institution (not “Church,” thank you very much) never was Christian, it was always a false front authored by Satan. (The real Christians went underground when Emperor Constantine made a false conversion and created the RCI, and did not re-emerge until the time of Martin Luther – I read that in one of the Crusaders Comics.)

  2. Catholicism, Wicca, Communism, Nazism, Islam, Freemasonry – it’s all the same. Whatever is spiritual or “religious” and not truly of God is of Satan and literally run by him. (True Christians are not “religious,” by the way, Chick emphasizes frequently that “Jesus hates religion,” defining religion as ritual, etc. Which is at least etymologically defensible, “religion” derives from a Latin word meaning “discipline,” IIRC.) What’s more, the Vatican was quite literally behind the creation of Communism, Nazism, and Islam.

No Fang, :(.

:confused: You mean, Cardinal Fang? I wasn’t expecting . . .

I can’t say I hate all Chick tracts, because there was one, just one, that I thought wasn’t as bad as all the rest. That is to say, it wasn’t hateful, and didn’t put anyone down. It was “The Little Princess” Chick.com: Little Princess, The

Yes, the parents are dimwits, typical people who have never heard of Christiainity,but they are loving parents to their two children, one of whom is dying of an unnamed disease.

And the people who save them are nice too, they don’t even hate Halloween, giving out candy along with the religious tract the little girl gets. And they don’t push themselves on the parents, waiting to witness to them only after they are called.

In a peculiar sort of way this tract was rather sweet. Surprised the heck out of me when I ran into it, because every single other Chick tract I ever read seems to be hateful of anyone who doesn’t believe as Chick does.

I think its a reference to our local Cardinal (Mr. Chick lives and operates around SoCal): http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Roger_Mahony

Holy shit. I don’t think I’ve ever read that one, and you’re right, it’s actually very pleasant. Not even a little demon hanging around haw-haw’ing, no cold contemptuous doctors, no sneering at mention of Jesus, nothing. I didn’t even know he’d published any like that.

Ah… That’s the stuff.