Let's have a demented Christmas!

Bob Rivers seems to have made a whole career out of demented Christmas songs and parodies of Christmas songs. Here are 64 of them. My favorite is Sled Zeppelin, an astonishingly accurate recreation of the sound and style of D’yer Maker.

The Dollyrots re-recorded their biggest song, “Because I’m Awesome”, with holiday lyrics to become “Because I’m Santa”.

If you really wanna drive people batty, though, consider The Wiggles!

I said demented, not evil.

Who doesn’t like a little Cryptkeeper?
Deck the Halls with parts of Charlie

You can’t have a psychobilly Xmas without the Reverend Horton Heat.

For some vaguely raunchy double-entendres guaranteed to make your inner 12-year-old giggle, I submit “Santa Lost A Ho.”

A reply version of “Grandma Got Run Over By A Reindeer” by Opie and Anthony.

By far the best thing about Jack Frost:

The original sounds better when performed by blokes who can actually carry a tune.

Last one for now.

I’m not one of those who think the O&A version is the best song ever, but musically I think it sounds fine. The Rovers version also sounds fine to me. But either the phrase you used was meant as a joke, or you have absolutely no idea what it means.

Or you missed that I was comparing the Irish Rovers to the friggin’ nerd. :slight_smile:

Grandma isn’t even the worst thing that nerd inflicted upon the world. Listen at your own risk:

White nerds not named “Al Yankovic” should not rap.

Now That’s What I Call A Corona Christmas

You’re gonna love this one!

Way cooler than Bobby Helms & Brenda Lee.

She did more than sing about a hippo.