Let's kick Jeeve's ass!!!

Hey, have any of you used askjeeves.com? The majority of people have confirmed that Jeeves is an idiot. I say, we make a big SD banner, and we grab some torches, pitchforks, and rabid dogs, we up and go to Jeeve’s place, and burn the bastard down as representatives of Cecil Adams!!! It’s the battle of the somewhat-doubted, claim-to-know-everything, never-seen-before geniuses. Of course, only Cecil is truly gifted. Who’s with me?!?!

JMcC, San Francisco
“Hear the voices in my head, I swear to God it sounds like they’re snoring”

Ummm . . . sorry. I like Jeeves.

But the pitchforks and burning parts sound very nice.


“Listen Children Eternal Father Eternally One!” Exceptions? None!
-Doc Bronner

I like Unca Cece more, of course. But he’s real. Jeeves is a 'bot. Of course he’s stupid.

in spite of the name, aj.com isn’t actually claiming to know all. only cecil can do that. i have found aj.com very useful because it searches so many engines at one time. i know there are others that do the same, but it was one of the first.

Usually when I use Jeeves, it gives me nothing that’s evenclose to what I’m looking for. I’m surprised at how often I see people actually praising it. My favorite search engine is Google although I often use Metacrawler when I’m in a hurry.

Once I used askjeeves to ask question about hair removal and it directed me to a Hanson website.

Sometimes life is so great you just gotta muss up your hair and quack like a duck!

Mob action! Love it! Shouting and torches and pitchforks, just like the “storming the
castle” scene in Young Frankenstein…

Uh, have you figured out exactly where we’re going to be doing this? I don’t want to waste a perfectly good torch.

I usually use Metacrawler or Dogpile. I’m holding out for a Jeeves that will silently appear at my elbow with a glass of good single malt on a silver tray…


So in your case, it worked.
A Hanson song always cause me to want to rip out all of my hair!

If anyone cares, here is my rant about Jeeves.
I have a Yahoo mail account, and one day while checking it an “Ask Jeeves!” banner was there. I clicked on it wondering what it was all about. I wish I could remember the question I did a search on- but it was not at all sexual in nature.
At any rate, I did the search, and got about 50% porn hits. I was really pissed, not really because “Ask Jeeves” doesn’t weed out porn, but because they were advertising on Yahoo mail, where a lot of kids have accounts. I put in one friggin search and get a bunch of porn. You would think there would be some kind of filter or disclaimer or something on the ad implying it was a search engine. All it said was “got a question? Ask Jeeves!”. I thought it was something like a trivia site, and there was no way to know otherwise until you entered a term and searched.

So I got kinda pissed and wrote to their PR person. Repeated above story. After 4 e-mails she still had no fucking clue as to why I thought there was a problem. In the end, I was mad because:

It was not at all clear by the ad exactly what kind of service “Ask Jeeves” provides. It looked like a good way to look up trivia or homework help to me. (something like the Straight Dope or that Marilyn chick)

Upon clicking on the ad, which appeared on a free e-mail site, I entered my question and got back a bunch of porn. Just doesn’t seem right to me.

So I hate Jeeves and the idiots at that company and will gladly help in the burning. Normally I’m not that touchy about things, but it really struck me as irresponsible.

Some mornings it just doesn’t seem worth it to gnaw through the leather straps.

No, let’s burn Bertie Wooster instead

Zette–that’s pretty wierd. I use Jeeves pretty regularly and have rarely, if ever, gotten porn site hits.

Question, though: what about other netbots, like HotBot? They advertise everywhere and hit wads of porn sites on innocuous searches.


“Listen Children Eternal Father Eternally One!” Exceptions? None!
-Doc Bronner

No, you missed my point. I wrote:

My beef was that I saw it on my free Yahoo mail page, didn’t know it was an internet search engine, entered a question and got a bunch of porn. My problem was, a little kid could have done the same thing.
I know what Hotbot is, and Google, etc. The ad for “Ask Jeeves” had a picture of a guy on it and a space to type your question- the search went right from there. I thought that didn’t seem right. End of gripe.

Some mornings it just doesn’t seem worth it to gnaw through the leather straps.

I have used jeeves a couple of times with reasonable success and no porn links. I think we shouls kick his just on principle though; i mean who wouldn’t want to beat up a butler given the chance. Or maybe we could get another and have them fight to the death, just like Baby Stewie.

“The problem with the world is that everyone is a few drinks behind.” - Humphrey Bogart

Good God, I was just reading a couple of bj(zero)rn posts and look what happened. Run for the hills folks, it’s contagious.

The inoculated version is below.

I have used jeeves a couple of times with reasonable success and no porn links. I think we should kick his ass just on principle though; I mean who wouldn’t want to beat up a butler given the chance. Or maybe we could get another and have them fight to the death, just like Baby Stewie.

“The problem with the world is that everyone is a few drinks behind.” - Humphrey Bogart

Let’s see… should we kick bj0rn’s ass or jeeves’s ass?

Let’s kick Jeeves’ ass with Bjorn’s ass! Two morons with one stone.

Ask him if he’s gay.
No, I’m serious. Type in: “Is Jeeves gay?”
Then see what happens.

UncleBeer editing his post:

Jeesh Uncle, you’re getting so anal I had to re-read your screen name to make sure it didn’t show “heatherlee”. :wink:

FWIIW - I like Jeeves.

Seven days of sex makes a whole week.

Jeeves cheated!!!

He got it from Ned Fielden’s site

I’m going to kick his ass, myself!
Right Now!!!