Leverage on TNT: what a bucket of suck!

Probably the Masterpiece Theater thing was “From Lark Rise to Candleford.” I haven’t watched it, but I’ve heard good things.

On topic, I haven’t gotten to watch Leverage yet*, but my mother (who has similar taste in television to me) said it was really fun, and she’s taped it for me so when I get home for Christmas break I can watch it myself. Frankly, though, it’s a show that could have hideous dialogue and almost zero plot and I’d still watch it just for Timothy Hutton and Christian Kane.

*I decided I couldn’t give it a fair trial if I spent the entire show working on my finals.

I didn’t mean to impugn the quality of cable shows (I like a lot of cable series) - it was in context of my prediction that the show would be cancelled shortly. It is my understanding that cable shows have a much smaller audience share than network shows, and thus do not require as large an audience to survive. Does that make sense?

Of course, as the responses here show, I may be wrong about that since many people seem to like it and mileage clearly varies.

I’m surprised no-one has said how much of a ripoff from the British show Hustle this is. Personally i thought it (leverage) was mediocre, I didn’t think it was horrible though, certainly watchable even though i winced at a few of the parts that seemed silly. Hustle is a brilliant show though, I’d recommend it to all.

Also I only watched the first episode of Mad Men and was pretty indifferent towards it, should I get it another shot?

I’d say it’s more like Hustle meets Burn Notice. And I’m not sure there was really that much of a con game in the second episode.

I thought that from the preview, and taped it, but I’m just getting to the first episode today.

It does strike me as an Americanized Hu$tle. Not that that’s so bad, but Hu$tle was a great show. I’ll still give it a fair chance though.

heh i had him confused with C Thomas Howell, my bad. i actually kinda like Timothy Hutton as an actor. too bad the show sucks :dubious:

We’ve seen the pilot and the first show, and we thought it was amusing for what it was. Sort of a MISSION IMPOSSIBLE, lightweight, mindless, fun… although a bit predictable. Not great TV, but not unwatchable, neither.

Well, my family likes it. It isn’t great drama or anything, but it’s fun.

I didn’t know about Leverage till a few days ago, and I just watched my recording of it tonight – not sure what number ep – about race horses. I liked it – I thought of it as a poor man’s Mission Impossible. I like complicated relationships and plots. Although it’s not on my must-see list at this point, I’ll keep watching.

Well, I still think it sucks.
