Libby Reviews

I’ve been using Overdrive to listen to audio library books for quite a few years. Whenever I’ve opened the app in the last 6 months or so it “warns” me that Overdrive will be switching over to Libby in the beginning of 2023. At some point this summer I downloaded and set up the Libby app. I tried using it then but really hated it. As of today, I’m still able to use Overdrive, but have been slowly trying to transition over to Libby. I still hate it. Has anyone else here been using Libby? What do you think?

/subscribe i’m getting the same warnings.

Hm. After having used Overdrive for some time. I’ve been using Libby exclusively for 2-3 years. I haven’t had a whole lot of issues with it, as it does what I need it to do. I use it on my Android Smartphone, and listen to a lot of content in my car via Bluetooth.

I have 3 libraries set up, so I can usually find what I’m looking for. I will say that the search function could probably be improved, but, to me, that’s a minor inconvenience.

OP, why don’t you like about it?

I’ve been using Overdrive at my library to find and check out ebooks, for several years now. I just took a look and the link says “Libby (Overdrive)” so I guess that part has already changed over at some time in the past. The fact that I never noticed indicates to me that the differences, if any in this part of Overdrive, were not obvious to a fairly frequent user.

I use Libby and it’s fine for my audiobook needs, I have never used Overdrive.

I love Overdrive. I even put off upgrading my laptop (still at MacOS 13) so it’ll still work.

Wish I could keep it, and haven’t seen the “No Overdrive, only Libby” warnings.

HOW did you do this? I keep hearing of people finding libraries that will let you “take out” their books and audiobooks.

My home library is medium size, but often is missing key books (they’ll often have Books 2 and 3 of a trilogy).

I like Libby just fine for reading books (no audiobooks) on my phone, and it has some really useful features that Overdrive doesn’t have, such as searching through the book for a word or phrase. In several ways the interface with the library is a little more user-friendly, too. BUT, Libby doesn’t allow me to turn the phone horizontally. Overdrive does. When I read in bed at night lying down, I prefer to position the phone horizontally.

I have a library card at my local (small) library. This library has an agreement with the state of Kansas ‘Sunflower eLibrary’, which is the first library I set up when I installed Libby. Then I have a library card with the Wichita Public Library, and I added that card to Libby. Finally, with my daughter’s assistance, who lives there, I got a library card with Maryland’s Digital Library, and I also added that card to Libby. So when I search for a book/author/genre, I am searching three digital libraries. I can check out books and/or audiobooks from one, two, or all three libraries simultaneously.

That’s essentially the purpose of Libby, to check out books from digital libraries, as I just described. Do you have a library card from your local library? You may want to speak with them regarding Libby.

I guess I’m just not used to it. I started a book and didn’t like it so I wanted to return it. I fiddled around until I finally found where I could delete it. I started another book that wasn’t any better but so help me, I couldn’t get back to the spot where I could return it. It’s going to take a while to figure out all the ins and outs.

Assumedly you’re using Libby on your smartphone? Android or Apple?

I use Android, and I always see the option to ‘Manage Loan’. That’s where you can return a book or try to renew your loan.

Yes, I’m using it on my smartphone - Apple iPhone. I know eventually it will all come together and I’ll be as adept as I was with Overdrive.