Liberal Christians: what's your approach to the Great Commission?

I ask because I don’t believe I’ve ever heard it addressed. I attend a fairly conservative church (I think I’m more of a moderate in most attitudes), and some people use the Great Commission to try to browbeat others into proselytizing, while others take it as acceptable to use your actions towards others & the way you live your life as your primary “witness,” although all feel Christians should never avoid the opportunity to share the gospel with someone who is open and interested. I fall toward the latter side of the 2 groups.

Please, I’d appreciate it if no one uses my introduction of the subject as an opportunity to push their own agenda about religion or Christianity - I’m just asking for any liberal Christians that read this to tell me what they feel their personal obligation is toward the Great Commission, and what they do about it. Thanks.

I am in the “evangelize by example” camp. If I am living a good life as a Christian that seems like the most convincing testimonial I could give. As people get to know me, I try to be open about the fact that I am a Christian, and some of the particulars of my church (it has a mission to promote racial reconciliation), so that if people feel a kindred spirit they can ask for more info.

My motto would be lead by example and don’t hide your light under a bushel.

What do you mean by a “Liberal Christian”?

Theologically liberal, I mean. A Marcus Borg, Jesus-seminar type.

There’s no such thing as a liberal christian. They are all reactionaries. Living 2000 years in the past. What came after doesn’t count.

I am barely a Christian anymore, but I’ll answer anyway.

I do not believe it is my task to evangelize etc. If someone were to ask me, privately, about spirituality and faith and my faith journey, I would try to answer honestly and kindly.

I find exhortations to “find the Lord” arrogant, patronizing and offputting. If we are all God’s children, like so many “Christians” purport to believe, than the how and why and where we receive Christ is between us and God (and a religious leader, perhaps). it is none of anyone’s business.

Just my 2 cents.

I’m neither liberal nor christian.

If you’re asking about evangelism though, it’s all a miscommunication. The idea wasn’t “spread the (same old) word”, the idea originally was “do as he did, become one with God, bring your own word, and encourage others to do the same, so that all will understand that they can be one with God”

God is not giving anyone Brownie points for standing up in the fucking subway and saying “I want to talk to you about Jeeee-zus! This is a sick and sinfu world and it says in the Bie-bull you must accept Jeeee-zus into your heart and become Born Again in the Holy Spirit. Now let me tell you, I was a sinner, I did drugs, I hit my woman, I stole money, I became homeless, I hit rock bottom and you know what, I blamed everyone else. Blah blah blah. Blah! and Jeeee-zus! And Bie-bull! Blah blah blah blah Shall Be Saved and blah bllah Anointed with the Blood fo the Lamb! Babble babble babble babble Ask Him Into Your Heart blah blah rant rant rant rant Oh Lord I Ask You To Bless These People On Their Journey and I just ask that you Be with them O Lord and babble babble blah blah blah and Halleh-Looyah! Praise God. O Thank You Lord”

I don’t try to convert anyone. In fact, I don’t even live my own life in a perfect way. I certainly don’t see my path in life to bring others to the church.

However, that works well for me. If the subject does come up, then I can tell them where I go to church. Most people are amazed that there is a large, liberal, primarily gay church in the middle of Dallas!

Not only did the OP specifically ask for there to be no religious debate in this thread, this is not the appropriate forum for religious debate. (That would be either Great Debates or the BBQ Pit, depending upon one’s attitude.) Either confine your answer to the question in the OP, or don’t post in this thread.

It’s kind of a non-issue for me. Either Jesus wanted us to prosletyize in the “Have you been saved?” sense, or he didn’t. If he did, there’s no point in doing it in the US. Everyone here has already heard of Jesus. Christianity is a pretty popular religion.

I believe that I am always required to be faithful to the Lord. That faith includes never denying that I am His, or that He is my Savior. That doesn’t mean that I must tell everyone I meet about it, only that I must never deny it. I feel that my every act reflects upon the Lord. Usually not well, I fear.

But I must remember that I am forgiven, and that because of that, I must forgive. I’m working on that one. I must meet each person in the world as if that person were Christ Himself. One day, it will be. If I do these things, it will make my spirit strong, and allow me to bring love into the world. People will notice this. When that happens, I must always explain that it is not my spirit that they perceive, but rather the reflection of His spirit.

Theology is a trap for the intelligent. I try to avoid that. I know many souls in the world that are not intelligent enough to understand the words “commission” “salvation” “eternal life” or much of the Bible. Yet among them are some of the Holiest people I have ever known. God does not love me because I got it right. He loves me because He got it right.

Imagine a man, choosing his path in life, always seeking to take the Righteous path. He lives a long life, and finally, he meets the Lord Jesus, walking down that path. “Oh, Lord, I am so thankful that I have chosen the right path.” He says.

“What is right about this path?” asks the Lord.

“It is the right path because it leads to You, Lord!” exclaims the man.

And the Lord answers him, “I came here to get you, my son. Let us go now.”


" It is no use walking anywhere to preach unless our walking is our preaching." ~ Saint Francis Of Assisi