licking finger to control paper

You know how when people are looking through papers and, because they are aging and losing skin oil or something, lick their finger to get some traction? DO YOU FIND THIS TO BE DISGUSTING?

I really can’t stand this habit. It is gross that they are putting their germs on the paper that I might need to touch.

Um…I count money a lot in my job. Like hundreds and hundreds of $1 bills. So I do this only for the money, because I don’t want to even take the chance of miscounting.

You wanna be grossed out? I’ve got a track ball at home, and I have been known to lick my thumb and apply it to the ball when my skin dries out after hours of playing. :smiley:

Meh. I do it sometimes, too, and I’m neither old nor lacking skin moisture. Some papers are just very slick or tend to stick together, so just a bit of moisture will help it along. I don’t lick my finger with my tongue, but with the bottom of my lip. Personally, I think germ-wise it’s more disgusting to the licker rather than the handler of the licked paper.

Anyhow, they do sell rubber fingers (little bumpy sleeves that go over your finger) that accomplish the same thing as licking without getting germs everywhere.

There’s probably just as many germs on their hands. You’re probably more likely to catch something from just shaking hands with someone. But you’re right, there is something gross about watching someone do it anyway. When I worked in a jewelry store we had people get rings stuck on their fingers and lick them to get them off, then hand them back to us. Um, thanks.

When handling money - I’d be more concerned about my own health when touching money and then putting my finger in my mouth! When I need to sort paperwork or something I use that Tacky Finger stuff - you just rub your fingers in the little container and it keeps them a little tacky. Hence the name!

I do this sometimes and if my office coordinator sees me she yells at me :eek:

She gives me these little tins of waxy goo to use instead. I have about 10 of them in my desk drawer. Problem is your mouth is just always there.

I sit near the communal printer and we’ve got a couple lickers here. If there’re more than two sheets out comes the saliva. It reminds me of cats grooming themselves. It’s a minor pet peeve of mine but I got one co-worker to stop doing it by showing her that mucus is a bit stickier. :smiley:

Pardon the interruption, but I dimly remember a story in which was described a murder accomplished by poisoning the pages of a book, which was then given to someone who had this habit. Since then (I read it when I was young and impressionable) I have never licked my fingers when turning pages. Not once.

I’ve got to get some of that Tacky Finger business. I’m collecting or handing out papers a lot in classrooms.
thanks for the reminder!

IIRC, that was done in Umberto Eco’s Name of the Rose.

Yes it was, and thank you. I was going to say that the story I remember is much older than that, and perhaps it is, but then apparently I’ve also gotten quite a bit older since Eco’s book without noticing it.

Thats awful. I hope no one else uses it.


Great. And it just happens to be dinner time. :frowning:

Is it sane to think this is gross yet still think oral sex is A-OK?

oh yeah I went there…

Umm, yes?

I had a big detailed post outlining the intense differences between the two, but… no.

Just know: Oral sex = good, slobbering all over someone else’s money = bad.

aaaaaugh! :eek: Stop that, if you had any, ANY idea of where people hide there money, eeeeww, think joggers with no pockets, the elderly worried about pick pockets, crackheads in the paddywagon on their way to lockup… Please please stop licking the money!!