Lieberman to Switch to republican/ Become Power Broker?

I heard that Joe Liberman (IND-CT) is mulling switching parties-if he became a republican, he could provide the margin in the senate, to give control back to the pubbies! Is Lieberman cynical enough to do this? What would the Dems do if he followed up on this?
oh, and bernie Sanders (IND-VT)-how will he be counted in the Senate?

See this thread. Lieberman has said multiple times since he was elected that he will caucus with the Democrats. Speaking to Tim Russert a day or two ago, he left open the option that he would switch, a la Jim Jeffords, if he didn’t like the way things were going - but for now, he’s a Democrat, and even asked to be called a Democrat instead of an independent.

Sanders actually won the Democratic nomination in Vermont and turned it down because he wanted to stay an independent. Both men will caucus with the Democrats, giving them 51 seats and the majority.

Where did you hear this? Without knowing where you heard it, how is anyone supposed to comment? Lieberman is on record multiple times as saying he will caucus with the Dems, and even made that clear on Meet the Press yesterday. He did say that he’s not ruling out potentially switching parties in the future, but I think he has to say that until the committee asignments are formalized.

I do not see how this thread is different in any substantial way to the thread to which Marley23 linked.

I am closing this thread and the discussion can be carried out in the thread alrteady in progress.

[ /Moderating ]