life before alarm clocks

i know in the country we have roosters, but how did people get up on time for daily routines? or even when getting up early was required how did they do it without alarm clocks?

I know myself, I have an internal alarm-clock. I wake up daily 5 minutes before the alarm goes off (week days) and I don’t wake up at that time on weekends.

That’s hard to say because for most of the world, nobody had to be at work at a certain hour because most people working in agricultural professions and you just went to work when the sun came up and you stopped when it went down.

Once people started working in factories and labor became more mechanized and required people working a certain amount of time, then you needed to be at work at a certain. But by then, clocks were common.

The only group of people who really need to watch the clock before there were clocks were monks and they did develop some ingenious alarm clocks using water.

Clocks may have been common, but many people did not own one, and in particular many people did not own a watch.

In some communities, the local factory would ring bells or blow a whistle to call people to work or signal a shift change.

In more rural communities, school bells and church bells would signal people to attend services or class.

Found a cite.

I wasn’t clear. I didn’t mean that personal clocks were common, but there were clocks for communal purposes starting to pop up.

Of course there are people today who still won’t wear a watch and never seem to show up for work on time.