Life by You - Paradox Interactive's take on "The Sims"

Continuing discussion from

It’s been delayed again.

I was looking forward to this game at one time. Then I bought City Skylines 2, and was incredibly disappointed that they released it before it was even close to ready. Even worse, they gave the mod community the finger by removing mods from Steam Workshop in favor of their own mod website, which of course is not ready, and probably won’t be for quite some time until they work out all of the bugs (which are significant) in the vanilla game. I’ve essentially lost all faith in this gaming company.

As noted in thread which spawned this one, the team responsible for Life by You is headed by the guy who also led the team behind Sims 3. This is the second delay for LbY so, presumably, he knows what he’s doing.

Hopefully he will steer them back to the original goal, which was that you would be able to design your SIMCity and then have your SIMs live in it. The tortoiseshell sunglasses are all very well and good, but we were promised macro worldbuilding with micro life testing. I, for one, am still waiting.