OK, here’s an angle on this life-long debate. My life has been such an amazing string of remarked coincidences, it feels like life IS predetermined. I’m talking a history of such BIG coincidences of chance things tying together, I could swear it’s all been prearranged (and not always for the better).
Can anyone else attest to such uncanny events following them through their lives that it is almost unreal? Has anyone else noticed such an uncommon, yet consistent pattern in their life?
I have heard people use coincidences as reasons for believing in a god as well. They say that it can’t just be a coincidence. Why not? For all we know there may be the potential for 1 billion coincidences to occur each and every second of each and every day to each and every person. That said, it would not be surprising to have 2 coincidental events a week or even more often.
I think jung ( is that spelt right ? ) said something about points in life like this and some kinda connection.
I think you may be linking the fact that sometimes bad things happen but they actually lead on to good things and hence you think ‘it was meant to happen’.
So, to be blunt, you never really know if it IS a bad thing because it may lead to a good thing and vice versa.
There’s a general response to explain a long series of coincidences that may seem impossible. The chance of any particular coincidence happening at random can be ridiculously small, but there are numerous possible events that could be considered coincidental, and most of them don’t happen. For example, take the book The Bible Code. It’s true that the probability of certain words occuring at certain places when that decoding algorithm is run is very small. However, the chance that some word will show up at some time turns out to be quite large.