Life Imitates Art--Mr. and Mrs. Smith

OK, maybe not really art, and surely not much of a life, but this couple destroyed their house during a “marital spat.” Cite.
From the article–

How soon before they are back together?

The perfect match, a marriage done in hell.

Everything’s fine. SmithWife misinterpreted “Where’s my cornflower blue tie?” as “Let’s destroy our home in an orgy of ragem”. It happens. From time to time.

Everything’s fine. SmithWife misinterpreted “Where’s my cornflower blue tie?” as “Let’s destroy our home in an orgy of ragem”. It happens. From time to time.

No-that’s not what happened at all.

SmithWife got so SICK of SmithHusband *repeating * himself, that she snapped. This triggered his PTSD and all hell broke loose.


Sounds more like War of the Roses to me.

Indeed. (Indeed)

Good call.