Life Still Sucks!

No boobies pics to offer, but here’s a picture of my pussy - I always feel better after fondling and caressing it, so maybe just looking at it will make you feel better.

If you really need a digital camera, I have a Vivitar ViviCam 35 you can have. It’s a POS, but it would work fine for ebay.

Grendel-slayer, as long as it has a USB cable so I can connect it to my computer, your camera will be fine thank you.

One More Try

Once, I rode the winds and soared above the world.
Now, my wings are broken and I am falling out of the sky.
Come, salve my wounds with your kisses.
Come, wrap me in your arms and make me me whole.
I pray to you my angel of beauty,
Come to me that I might know you.
If that still doesn’t work (I’m beginning to wonder if many of you want to send pictures but don’t have cameras either), I may have to go to Stage 2.

I want to send pictures and have a camera, I just don’t have proper boobies. Sorry, my friend. They’re pretty flat, instead of clevage there’s chest hair and my wife is fairly restrictive when it comes to copyright matters. Otherwise I’d be all about the share.

So I’m left like roOsh to be simply another longtime fan of your mad geniusness. Inimitable, Doc. That’s what you are and don’t think we don’t consider you the cat’s meow for it.

M’kay, Doc, I put a couple of nudes back in my acc’t, check my homepage.

“Brenda” had a sunburn, that’s why her legs are pink.

Fessie You miss the point. I’m not looking for mere nudity- the internet is full of that. I’m looking for sharing and a special kind of acceptance. The boobies must be displayed to me by the owner- ‘I find you worthy. I offer myself’. Do you see now?


Hey, I drew those suckers, they’re “mine”.
fine - you no love zee boobies, I taka them away ::stomps off in temperamental artsy huff::

Nooooooooo!! /Vader scream
You can’t play God like that, Doc! You just can’t!

I really want to see what stage 2 entails.

I just realized that you Dopers really do care about me! So far, I’ve received only one joke photo of a kitten- and none of asses (as in donkeys), smut (as in fungus), or boobies (as in the birds). While only one of you has sent me photos of her body, only one of you has mocked me. I am somewhat cheered by this. Boobie pics would help more though.

Br’er Lapin Stage 2 is obvious if you think about it. What am I doing in Stage 1 and why?

Beowulf’s camera arrived today. Three AAA batteries and I can get on eBay.

I managed to submit a 1040 (barely filled out) to the IRS. Hopefully, this makes me eligible for a stimulus payment. I’m also expecting an audit. The audit should be easy as I can quickly prove that I barely have an income and none of it is taxable.

I manage to keep missing scheduling an appointment with my psychiatrist. I am out of Abilify and Concerta and running very low on Paxil. Hopefully, I can get a refill before I hit Paxil withdrawal- fever, chills, pains, the shakes, and anxiety attacks. I have to make that call before five tomorrow.

In other news, I’m still undecided as to whether I should move on to Stage 2. I realize that calling out your natural inquisitiveness and competitiveness is the way to go. I’ve decided that if you Dopers can guess what Stage 2 is, it will commence. Please, no help from those few who I’ve told detailed Stage 2 for. Is Stage 2 as obvious as I think it is? Does it follow as logically from Stage 1 as I think it does? I’ll soon have all the answers.

…I thought that was what the breast pix were for.
Best of luck on the refills, and if you need a reminder to make that phone call, use the following (but only in an emergency):

"Hey, Doc Cathode. Its almost 5pm. Did you make that call yet???"

I’m kind of concerned about you, Doc . I can’t figure out if your just having a bit of fun or if your really in the shit. I reckon time will tell.

I dunno about anyone else, but this thread has produced the following four ads at the bottom of my page:

Pictures of Chlamydia
Hot Celeb Girl Pics
Bacterial Vaginosis
Jesus Christ Loves You

I don’t know what it signifies, except that Doc is clearly making a unique contribution to the SDMB.

Mine says “Puberty Pics”. Now that can’t be right - isn’t that illegal?

Ok, wait - if I clicked on that and went to jail (not that I would, but what if I did?), could I sue the Dope for enticement?

Omega Man Things really are that bad. I really am just two months away from homelessness. It’s a struggle not to just sink to the floor, curl up in the fetal position and sob for a few hours.

I also have this great rage- at me, you, at G-d. Yesterday, I was about to punch a hole in the wall. I drew back my arm. Then, I felt a hand gently holding me back. I looked and beheld an angel in a thong.

“Be at peace.” she said, “For I bring you glad tidings.”

She held out her hand, displaying something silver and gold and glistening. “For you.”

“What is it?”

“Has it been so long you do not recognize it? It is hope.”

I took the object. It melted into my hand. It was like waking to the sound of your own name.

I looked again upon the angel. She looked full upon me.

“You are clad in nought but filthy rags. Undress yourself.”

I did as she instructed. Then, she gave me a strange look. I shivered. Surely the display of my flesh had sickened her.

“I find your nakedness pleasing. But, you are filthy with dirt and sweat and blood. Let me bathe you.”

I turned to head for the bathroom, but the angel stopped me. She leaned forward and kissed me gently upon the forehead. Then, she opened wide her mouth and began to bathe me with her velvet tongue. I remember thinking “The tiger is born dead and must be licked to life by its mother.”.

Her kisses healed my wounds and brought new vigor to my limbs. The angel pointed to my spare couch and said “Let me equip you with your armor. Remember that you are the Tomorrow Knight.” I strapped on greaves and bracers, cuirass, helmet and wings.

“Go forth and do battle” said the angel.

And so I shall.

DocCathode, you should be discussing these issues with a competent psychiatrist . . . not on a public message board.

I hope you find resolution.

Cajun Man
for the SDMB