light sentence?

Saw on the news last night,some guy,who had hit and run,killed an 86 year old woman,got 8 months!Isn’t this a bit too short?He was a teenager,but still.He’s at least 17.So because she’s old,and was going to die soon anyway?So he was a teenager.That gives you legal immunity?Bah!

The specifics of the case would be helpful here. Too much gray area to make a reasonable hypothesis…

Yer pal,

IMO this was a hit-n-run BECAUSE the driver was 17. He is no doubt an inexperienced driver and was scared shitless after the fact. Glad he was caught.

Also IMO, ALL 17 year old drivers, due to their inexperience, endanger themselves and others on a frequent basis while driving. What happened to the victim is horrible ,but this kids only real crime was not having the necessary brains to stop and try to help. His fear would not let him. I’m sure he regrets that deeply. I can’t see him doing hard time for that.

If you want to see real injustices to the eldery, visit a (privately owned) nursing home. My SO works in one and I hear the stories. Sucks.