Lights over South America

Hmm this is a toughish question to get right. Around 5-6 years ago I saw a doco of some sort…though it could have been just a general travel show…hmm…regarding witnessing the lights over South America - I seem to remember it’s way down south, right at the bottom where you could witness them - I could be wrong. Why only down there is the only place to witness them is beyond me, the sky is awfully huge…

Basically you see small pinpoints of red, green and blue light swirling around and it is not just a one off thing. It happens all the time. I don’t believe it’s UFO’s (and I barely believe in UFO’s) or anything silly like that…I can’t find anything on the net other than UFO sightings when I try and search. Can anyone tell me anything of these lights and where I may travel to see them?


WAG: Aurora Australialis?


Yep, sounds like the southern lights - the southerly version of the northern lights or aurora borealis, which can be seen in high latitudes in the northern hemisphere. They’re caused by the interaction of charged particles with the upper atmosphere. Google for “aurora australis” (not australialis), or “aurora borealis”, which are essentially the same thing.

Aah thank you for your aid though it is not the Aurora, I have seen that myself and am 100% positive this is not what it is. These are very small dancing points of light in a small cluster. I have vivid memories of the images I saw on television, just no damned memory of where or why it happens! Oh well…anyone else?

I think I saw that on TV before too.

You’re right, it definetly was not the Southern Lights.

I don’t know if they ever figured out what it was, or if it stopped, or what.