Lightweight Windows freeware roundup...

I’ve recently discovered the joy and convenience of carting around a copy of DamnSmallLinux in my wallet on a 50MB CD, and I’d like to compliment it with a sister disc of Windows apps that my employer wouldn’t otherwise let me run on my work computer.

To me, the only only obvious ones are Coolplayer so I can play Ogg Vorbisisises and PuTTY so I can ssh.

Any other ideas? I’m specifically looking for stuff that can be run straight off of the CD, whether it’s a single executable or needs whatever.dll in the same directory.

Any suggestions from other Linux users whose IS people will most emphatically not allow them to install Cygwin are appreciated.

I’m not sure what kind of apps I’m looking for; image editing, games, maybe? All I know is that I’ve got some time to kill, and I can’t touch the registry.

