Like, like, like . . .

Like, do teenagers know how to, like, speak?

This weekend I drove, like, my daughter and her best friend to the, like, yknow movies. The theater is like 22 minutes from my house, and the girls were all, like, talking. During this, like, ummm, yknow journey, my daughter and her friend, during the course of our conversation, like, used the word, “like”, yknow, 84 times.

I was, like, ready to, yknow, scream.

My daughter doesn’t speak like this when she talks to us, but I’m horrified it will start. Her friend is by far the “like” aggressor, accounting for well over half of the “likes” but my daughter was chiming in too. What to do, what to do?

Like, yknow, like you need to get some like earplugs and like, yknow use em while driving your daughter and her friends like to the mall and such yknow? Like, that way, yknow? you like, yknow? might maintain like your sanity, yknow?

It’s, like, a habit, like, yknow.
I went through it and had to break myself of doing it. And even now that word will slip into my conversation every once in a while. But because I know I used to do it, I can control it.
And knowing is half the battle.