Link question

I’ve looked here for an answer to this question and can’t find it. If it has already been answered elsewhere, please let me know and I’ll go read it.

My question is–How do I name a link and make it look prettier, so that instead of

it reads

The link I want you to visit

I hope this question makes sense. Thank you very much!

Remove the spaces from the following:
[url = www.g]Google[/ url]

and you get


Thanks very much GorillaMan! I really appreciate your help.

You can also just use the Insert Hyperlink button. When you do a window pops up that says Enter the text to be displayed for the link. After you do and click OK, a window pops up saying Please enter the URL of your link. Enter the URL, click OK and you’re done! :slight_smile:

Nifty!! Thanks. :slight_smile:

Out of boredom/curiosity, I clicked on in the first post and came across an anti-Bush message board. Was that on purpose?