Liquid Glass/Sodium Silicate

What will sodium silicate/liquid glass do if poured into a gas tank?
It was poured into the gas tank inerror trying to seal a radiator leak.

Nothing good. Sue for damages. It could cause all kinds of engine problems.

Second thought. Have the gas tank, lines and carburetor cleaned before running the engine.

Sodium silicate is virtually insoluble in gasoline, so the material has likely turned into a well dispersed cloud of fine sandy dust. It’ll wreak havoc on filters and piston rings.


So that’s what people mean by “hit submit too soon”

Anyways, how does one make that mistake. I mean, I could see accidentally pouring stop leak in the wiper fluid or brake fluid or even into the engine oil…but the gas tank? That’s not even at the same end of the car.

Unless it’s some esoteric rear-engine job (but not an old VW Beetle, as those don’t have radiators). Even so, it sounds incredibly unlikely. How did it happen?

Joey P, I thought you were laughing at the OP. Nice save.