List of 2005 movies

Anyone know where I can find a list of 2005 movies? Also interested in the list of 311 Oscar eligible films. Quizzes that list all the movies and let you rate them count too. Thanks!

I participate in a weekly trivia movie-guessing game. One of the hints is the year the movie was made, and when I’m stumped, I go to and use their search feature. You can ask, for example, for a list of all movies made in a particular year.

I don’t know how comprehensive it is, or how authoritative, but it’d be a good place to start.

For the Oscar eligible films, you can go to the Regulations section of the Academy Awards Web site. Off in the side panel is a link to the list of eligible films, but for some reason the link isn’t activated yet. Maybe it will be up by next week, considering the nominations are to be announced at the end of January.

Another source for (recent) movies by year is Dark Horizons: they offer U.S. movie release dates going back to 2003.