Literature class or How to Make Silas Marner Even More Boring

Wow. I had to read that story when I was in the 6th grade, and I confess I didn’t get it then. Now I get it. Hell, I’m living it.

“I hope life isn’t a big joke, because I don’t get it,” Jack Handy

Lissa said, “In sixth grade, my bag was searched for a now-forgotten reason, and with a grim face, my principal pulled out a forbidden copy of Gone With the Wind. Pretty tame stuff, actually, but I faced expulsion. You would have thought I had been caught in a lewd act from the severity of the punishment I faced.”

Where did you go to school, Fahrenheit 451? Even if it was porn, the establishment had no right to a) confiscate it or b) to search your bag.

Back on topic. I loved my literature classes in college, but hated most of the ones before. (I think I would have liked the stupid teacher…ie this is a story of two stupid kids who disobey their parents and kill themselves…lol) In college I took a world literature class and we only focused on mythology. It was one of the most interesting classes that I took. I took another class with a teacher that I absolutely hated and we focused only on writings by Hispanic women. Even though both of those classes required us to tear apart the literature, it put certain things in perspective. I have to say analyzing the Hispanic women’s literature and putting it in the proper socio-religious type of context really opened my eyes up to their situations.


Torgo, congrats on making the Page o’ Flames!

Sqrl Cub:

I went to a private Christian academy. The administration did pretty much what they liked, when they liked. You gave up your rights when you signed up. Your parents had to sign a form that said it was all right to search you, paddle you, etc. My parents didn’t understand the gravity of the situation. They didn’t realise that these things were not used as last resort, but instead they were daily occurences.

It was not a state recognised school. According to the sate of Ohio, I have been a drop out since the sixth grade. That was something that my parents weren’t made aware of. In fact, the administration lied and said that it was recognised and that all of the colleges wanted our students because of their “academic superiority.”

Yeah. No real science (Creation science), little math and laughably inaacurate history. No college will consider me without a GED.

I’m a little bitter, I must say.