Live action shorts

I like shorts. But they are almost impossible to find. No one sells them. No one rents them. No one has them. At least it seems that way. Can anyone prove me wrong on the following shorts.

Peep Show
One Hand, Left

And one more I forget the name for. It was about this young filmaker who wanted to make a movie but had a hard time getting funding. So hard that when he finally did the requirement was that he had to wear this big green flower earring and he couldn’t tell anyone why he was wearing it. Really funny.

The only one I ever found was “This Guy is Falling” at atomfilms.

I would love to see Porklips Now again.

“You’re just a messenger boy.”

Les sigh.

I don’t know about purchasing them, but short films are one of the reasons why I subscribe to the Sundance Channel.

In Reeder’s link, I’d especially like to recommend “Short 11: Ecstasy”. And not just because my own short film is included on the DVD, but also because… okay, pretty much just because my short film is on it. :smiley: