Living while black in America

You aren’t being the best iiandyiiii you can be. Shame! Worrying about a bit of a broad brush when it paints your sacred cows? Yet noticeably silent when your ideological allies use an even broader brush.

The side that gives me, in my personal and subjective analysis, the best possible result. I did vote for a (D) in the recent past.

If it’s a matter of survival emigration is available even for the poor. Cite: the southern border.

BLM, Kaepernick, etc. have a valid point and I haven’t criticized Kaepernick. I support his point of view actually. I’m more against extrajudicial punishment than most on this board. You won’t see me making prison rape jokes like some of the sadistic perverts here.

Lol. I never said racism doesn’t exist. I said liberal double think and hypocrisy aren’t helpful.

@guinny and sunny. I thought you’d appreciate some more snark material.