Living while black in America

…or just turn the racism down a couple of notches.

Or not. A whiteboy wants to live that way, with preferential treatment on our nation’s roadways? Preferential enough so that blacks routinely make beelines through certain areas when traveling across the country to avoid official and unofficial harassment? Whiteboy isn’t bothered by that and can’t imagine why others might be?

Hey your life, your dance. But not a good look from most points of view, divine provenance among others.

In case you’re actually being serious, because this is just honestly a hilarious question, choosing one’s own tone for rhetoric isn’t remotely the same as trying to dictate the tone of others.

…have you been driven away from the fight for social justice because somebody said something on a messageboard in a tone that you didn’t approve of?

Because if you have been then you were never invested in the fight in the first place.

Speaking of moving somewhere better, if you hate everyone so much, then why don’t YOU go elsewhere? Free Republic is always welcoming to your ilk.

I don’t hate anyone here. I just think some of you are intellectually dishonest and a few others are mentally ill. What type of simple viewpoint is it to think one must hate those they disagree with?

Because all you ever seem to do is whine and criticize everyone? And I’d say you more than just “disagree” with people here. :dubious:

Because I’m interested in threads where I am not going to say “+1” or “like?” I read a lot of threads and I feel it’s pointless to post some inanity. Other threads I haven’t made up my mind and I’m still considering the topic. Threads that catch my interest and my point of view isn’t the typical point of view, at least here, then I’m more motivated to participate.

And this is the Pit where I was attacked first. And there is no whining. I just critique people’s methods. If people merely disagree with me I don’t care. When people lie about what I say and what my motives are then I point that out as a dishonest tactic.

This is the Pit. I could have responded with an endless stream of nonsensical profanity and vulgarity. But I’m addressing you civilly and directly.

You might be upset to find out what your role would be in the process of eliminating racism.

Enlighten me!

@ Octopus

Start by telling us whether this post was intended as sincere, smirky, or sarcastic.

Then explain why hatred isn’t the enemy; instead it is the victim of racial hatred who should seek the remedy of uprooting his life to move away.

Answer these questions. Then we’ll discuss your claim not to be racist.

Thanks in advance.

Let’s say I’m a Jew living in Nazi Germany or a Mexican living in cartel land do you think I’m putting my neck on the line trying to change the Man or do you think I’m getting out of the bad situation? I don’t think things are as bad as Huey is suggesting so I’d work for change here in the US, at least most parts, but from how Huey describes it change sounds hopeless. So why stay in a hopeless situation?

Ideally, everyone would be treated justly and there’d be no hunger or poverty. But this is the real world and like millions of others sometimes you have to vote with your feet so to speak.

Personal example and it might sound nutty or inconsistent but I don’t care. So, I’m pro second amendment however the amount of gun violence we have in this country is sickening. I’ve contemplated moving to a country that has less armed crazies. Is that racist? :dubious::dubious::dubious::dubious:

You and others wonder why the tactic of calling everyone and everything racist is being ridiculed and is backfiring. It’s because it’s obvious that it’s a disingenuously used tactic and those employing it are hypocrites.

Fictional people (do you have a cite for this poster, or any other Dopers on their side, wondering about this?) supposedly wondering about a simplistic (and incorrect) straw-man mischaracterization of nuanced arguments about a difficult topic? Fascinating!

Tune in next time for another exciting episode of “The Octopus Show”!!!

To advise a Jew in Nazi Germany to leave the country would be good advice. But we wouldn’t view it with kindness if it came from a Nazi. Who do you vote for, cephalopod? The side that favors social justice or the side that is now actively promoting white nationalism?

And I don’t know where you got the peculiar idea that anyone here claimed “voting with one’s feet” is necessarily racist?? Especially on an issue (guns) only tangentially related to race??? Your finances are fortunate if moving to a less gun-crazed country is an option for you (though I fear the number of gun crazies will go up in your destination after you emigrate). Have you acknowledged that changing countries is not a realistic option for most people?

Nobody expects you to join in the next BLM march, but at heart you’re on one side or the other. If your “solution” to racism is to keep voting for the racist party and to offer only smug smirky answers here, then you are a racist.

BTW, I mentioned that guns are only “tangentially” related to racism. Do you follow the news well enough to understand that the Second Amendment is not generally extended to blacks? That cops have murdered several blacks for no reason other than their legal possession of a fire-arm?

*** Until you acknowledge the problem, you are the problem.***

iiandyiiii what is this thread about again: Black life in America or how Octopus makes everything about him?


You aren’t being the best iiandyiiii you can be. Shame! Worrying about a bit of a broad brush when it paints your sacred cows? Yet noticeably silent when your ideological allies use an even broader brush.

The side that gives me, in my personal and subjective analysis, the best possible result. I did vote for a (D) in the recent past.

If it’s a matter of survival emigration is available even for the poor. Cite: the southern border.

BLM, Kaepernick, etc. have a valid point and I haven’t criticized Kaepernick. I support his point of view actually. I’m more against extrajudicial punishment than most on this board. You won’t see me making prison rape jokes like some of the sadistic perverts here.

Lol. I never said racism doesn’t exist. I said liberal double think and hypocrisy aren’t helpful.

@guinny and sunny. I thought you’d appreciate some more snark material.


I do hope the rantings of our resident neuronally-challenged octopod will not lead to widespread anti-cephalopodism at the Dope. Even if he voted for Trump 8 times. #NotAllCephalopods

So where is the so-called upsetness?