Living while black in America

Man, I can’t wait until Farns cites something from 1942 or 1917! So topical!

Too late, but I’ll try to do better.

Great movie, one of my favorites. You should see it sometime.

Oddly, by idiotically trying to make his stupid point, Farns is proving the OP’s point.

Oops, my apologies. I’ll refrain from continuing.

Considering the OP wanted to call this thread “Whites are Evil” or something, I am slightly amused by this hot take.

White couple called the police on a kid for getting part of their lawn while mowing the neighbors also called the police on July 4th because the kid and his friends wet their house while playing with a slip and slide.

Police called on family at a Subway in Georgia because they were eating sandwiches and using the bathroom.

California prosecutor called Maxine Waters a “loud-mouthed c#nt in the ghetto:”

Really? Because of problems with the homeless population around my university, that’s often what we advise students to do (rather than directly confront the person) if there’s someone they don’t recognize in the dorm common areas at odd times, especially someone camped out sleeping in a common area.

“You can’t fight in here! This is the War Room!”

Not quite, but it many, many cases, it works just as well. Possibly yours.

Yes but I believe that it was established that the girl who fell asleep was indeed a student.

The person who called the police was outed as someone who had done this before:

How does the article support the claim that the caller was “white”?

A student who should have gone to her dorm room to take a nap rather than, monopolizing what is supposed to be a shared space by camping out in the dorm common area. Seriously, calling the campus police is what you want someone to do under potentially suspicious circumstances.

Are you serious with this? You can’t possibly be serious.

In what way did she monopolize the shared space?

You’re assuming that she meant to fall asleep rather than nodding off while studying, and shared means you don’t always get say over how the space is used. Just like sharing we learned in kindergarten, it means you don’t always get what you want when you want it. Also, are you really claiming that its difficult to differentiate between homeless people and college students? That seems to be a stretch to me in order to justify calling the cops on someone that doesn’t look like you doing something that you don’t approve of. Not coming across well imo.

What would you expect the campus police to do? Tell her to go to her room? Arrest her for sleeping while being black?

Usually when someone is sleeping, it implies they are directing others not to make a lot of noise around them. The common rooms in dorms are basically designed for socializing, working on group projects, team planning sessions, etc. They are designated places where people can get rather loud. This is ideally to facilitate the dorm bedrooms being quieter places where people can sleep or study in a calmer atmosphere.

Not in a common room, it doesn’t.

You are assuming an awful lot of her motivations. Have you never nodded off unintentionally? I’m sure if others came in and started hanging out she might just have woken up like whoa guess I fell asleep and everyone could have carried on their day.

Using police time for this when there are serious things on campus like sexual assault happening all too frequently is pretty irresponsible and smacks of entitlement.