Local mom does good

Well this dude got ripped in 4 weeks but he’s REALLY ripped so the click is probably worth it.

Local moms make $77 an hour.

YOUR mom, however, asked for considerably less … . :smiley:

Apparently, his #1 priority is getting me back into college.

It occurs to me that if Ann Dunham Soetoro were alive she’d have the killer combo for testimonials.

Every two-bit ad I see on the web uses either Obama or mom to motivate me.

Wow, you’ve got rich local moms with white teeth, too? Amazing!

I’d be reading their homespun wisdom right now, but she hasn’t shown up today.

ETA: Does anyone see a potential Onion article in this? “Area Mom Has White Teeth, No Friends.”

Don’t forget ripped. There’s nothing like a rich mom with pearly white teeth and bulging muscles to get me thinkin’ about my future.

And yes…perfect Onion fodder.

Yeah, and he got an extra tattoo, his head changed shape and he got taller. They may be brothers, but, not the same guy. :dubious: