Local news reports truth!(faith healers)

Last night, on Fox8 news, they had a segment on Leroy Jenkins, faith healer from Ohio.
He’s been around a while.

The interviewer mentions the million dollar challenge and asks if he’d try for it.
Leroy says he has a couple of “documented” healings and wonders if Randi will give him a million$ for each.

They had James Randi on even, telling the truth of course.
The healings they showed from a service were later questioned, and it seemed they hadn’t had what Leroy claimed to heal them from!
But they said Yes to anything Leroy asked them, even when it wasn’t true!

Leroy even told the local interviewer God might “:get him” for trying to expose him!’

I thought they might put a cute spin on it, but they pretty much came out and said he was a fraud!

Way to go news channel 8!