Locating company accounts from different countries?

Is there some sort of website that lists multinational companies group accounts?

What I am thinking of is like a scroll down bar for different countries across the world and with the availability of certain (whichever) companies within those countries (and obviously their accounts). Does it exist?

If not, say I am looking for a Dutch company’s group accounts, how could I get a list of multi-national (as in operates internationally) Dutch companies from which I could obtain the accounts?

Or say I have identified a specific company, how do I go about finding its accounts?


I am talking about something you MUST be able to find on the internet which is freely available to all.

Oh and the companies accounts must be translated to English. Therefore if it is a German company the accounts cannot be in German (normally though for example most German multi-nationals accounts are reconciled to US GAAP - so there is already an English form of the accounts that has been published).

By “accounts” you mean what us Merkins call financial statements, correct?

I don’t think you will find statements grouped by country or industry–I can’t think of anyone who has enough incentive to do the work and it would be hard to keep up to date since financial reports are typically released quarterly (at least in the US).

But, if you have a company name, why not just go to their website? If the company is international, it almost certainly has shareholders who are interested in its results and the results will ususally therefore be available on the website, usually in English. Here is the Dutch banking company ABN Amro, for example.

In addition, the SEC’s EDGAR search engine gives you access to the financial statements of every US public company (and some foreign ones), thus getting you a bunch of the multinationals like Citicorp, GE, etc.

I would be interested in the websites for any non-US securities regulatory authorities which have anything similar to EDGAR. Please post those if you’ve got 'em! Thanks.