He’s already started - they were interviewing him on TV this weekend. He’d done the first 100 yards, which took him something like an hour - during which time he’d already fallen over and got tangled up in his safety line.
The reason for a safety line is in case of an unseen dip or cliff on the floor of the loch - it’s shorter than his breathing tube, and will prevent it from being pulled out of the suit (causing instant death).
Personally I think he should be armed with a pointed stick.
And people wonder why Brits aren’t bowled over by David Blaine sitting in a box doing not a lot for 44 days except earning millions for himself. Jesus . . . the power of bullshit image and publicity . .
Good luck Mr Scott and I hope you make the £1 million for Leukaemia!
…The famous French oceanographer gasped and rewound the underwater videotape to the point where something flashed across the screen. “Zut alors!” he cried. “Ziss looks just like a reptilian foot, nessie paw?”