Long fingernails...REEEALLY long

Ugh! I don’t care how much you polish the tops…the undersides are barforama!

Maybe it’s what’s enabled her to remain booger-free since '83.

There was a secretary at my son’s elementary school in a large school district who had nails several inches long. I actually inquired of the principal why she was allowed to keep them, when her job mostly consisted of typing and writing and she could barely do either, and was told that the union had apparently bargained for permission to grow nails as long as they wanted. Frankly, whatever management official gave in to that request was a friggin’ idiot.

But yeah, anything over about 1/2 inch grosses me out completely.

I don’t know. She might have some real problems typing then.

Probably no more than she has now.

With nails like that, she could pick clear to the back of her sinuses.

Which brings up a good point.

Never agree to let her pick your brains.

Those aren’t fingernails. Those are claws. Yech!

I’m no expert… But wouldn’t one of those things EVENTUALLY break? I mean, I hear women say all the time that they broke a nail for one reason or another… And theirs are normal sized. Wouldn’t those claws get caught on SOMETHING eventually?

I’ve been here 7 years. No breakage that I have seen. She must trim them, because I’ve never seen them - you know - growing (does that make sense?)

The few times I’ve actually allowed myself to get a good look at them it appears they are much thicker than the average nail.

Blargh. I just ate, too.



That’s beyond creepy. I’d have a hard time taking a person seriously if they had nails like that. Yeah, I know, she’s more than a set of excessively long fingernails. But while I wouldn’t demand a law against it, I reserve the right to not deal with people who get that far out of the norm. And if I was hiring, she’d be right out of the running.


I , too, don’t understand how they don’t break. I like my nails long and elegant - a half an inch! And they’re real. And they do break if they get any longer than that, and I have very healthy nails.

I find it pretty goddamn disgusting, too. Perhaps it’s something mental? Eek.

Ok, first off, my own nails are never THAT long… but I’ve been known to sport some bordering-on-dragon-lady nails at times. Longest they’re ever been is about an inch-and-a-half, maybe two inches, from cuticle to tip (and no, they weren’t acrylic, they were natural.) I just want to chime in on the behalf of the long-nailed ladies and say it’s not only possible to attend to one’s personal hygeine effectively, it’s not even difficult, if you’ve GROWN your nails. You get used to the length very naturally and gradually, it’s not like you wake up one morning with spikes at the ends of your hands. I can type, clean, do claywork, and even put my contact lenses in and take them out with no trouble. Cleaning under longer nails is considerably easier, at least for me, than digging at dirt trapped in a teeny space.

All that said, I think my nails at two inches were a bit on the ridiculous side - I only grew them that long to see if I could. Now I keep them pretty normal-length, maybe half an inch from cuticle to tip.

Nail strengthener. It’s a brush-on thing, kinda like nail polish but … not. Could be some kind of clear-coat acrylic or something.

Yes, I’ve had to go shopping with the wife on a few occasions. Her nails are perfectly normal, however. I insist on it. Or rather, certain body parts insist on it.

Did you look at some of the other “claws” in that link? This gal has hers painted yellow, red and black. Good grief! Yellow? Rule of thumb: don’t paint your nails a color that wouldn’t look good on your teeth. Red? What, you want to appear as if you just took down a gazelle? And black? The ends of her nails look like she wouldn’t trim them even when they were dead.

This is not a good look. Even lions and tigers and such have the sense to clean themselves up afterwards.

Well shoot… link was same as before. Look at xmays1.

I am, and yes they do if there not properly maintained. And your right accidents do happen real or not. But there are ’ different strokes for different folks’. As for anyone sitting in my chair…just can’t bring myself to do it even if they wanted it. I could, but on many levels for me, I feel that to just be wrong! I don’t need money that bad!

I wonder if you lopped one of those bad boys off would you be able to tell how old she is by counting the rings.

Okay, I’m just grossing myself out now.

Heh, me too. I need to find some picks now of someone’s fingers with bunnies on the ends.

That’s exactly what I thought of when I read your OP. Or, well, maybe it was the photo in the Guiness Book of World Records- same guy? Long and curled/twisted around? Damn, that skeeves me, even today.

About 30 years ago my wife had a friend w/ nails just like that. She also spent a lot of time, and money, on other aspects of her appearance, especially her hair. She was short, and a bit plump, and had been a polio victim as a child. She had a pronounced limp and it was obvious that she was trying to compensate for her handicap.
It was really kind of sad.