Long light bulb sourcing

My bathroom appears to have been decorated in about 1952.
Last year, the long light bulbs on either side of the mirror/light fixture burned out within about two weeks of each other. I have been trying to find replacements on and off since then but haven’t struck vintage bulb gold. They are sort of similar to music stand or piano lamp bulbs but those tend to be shorter and much dimmer. The ones I’m looking for are 12 inches in length and were originally 40 watts and manufactured by GE. The base is standard.
Here’s a shot of the bulbs with a tape and dollar bill for scale:
Long Bulb 1
The inset is a closeup of the stamp but there isn’t much to see there.

Here’s what the mirror and fixtures look like with the shades:
Long Bulb 2
The exposed portion of the genuine MilliShard Glass shades are about 12.25". You’ll note the EZ-Electro-Cute 120vac outlet at the bottom of the fixture on the left and its HotGrounder switch on the bottom of the right. The wallpaper is also pretty special with the dark blue patterns featuring New for '52 EverDusti velvet. I like Ike but I LOVE the PermaBuckle flooring! The tiles are a jet-age miracle material called plastic.

I’m open to LED or CFL alternatives but would prefer to fill the shades as best I can. Does anyone know where I can find these or perhaps if there is a standard term for bulbs of this type?

This it?

There are vintage and specialty lamp companies all over. I’m sure those lamps are available. How about eBay? I’d hunt them down and keep it original.

Ooh, thanks, Mdcastle. That is really close only 50% higher power. However, the pdf spec page in your link shows that the bulb I’m looking for is called a 40T8. Knowing what to look for obviously makes these a lot easier to find! There are a couple candidates on ebay.

I also noticed I got my right and left backward in the OP. Superb.

Yes best not to increase power, as most of that power is converted to heat… it gets hotter and that could cause damage (even fire.)

There’s a whole range of long tube incandescents here.


Did you try a standard CFL in there ? Does it really look bad ?
Best to switch to CFL , to save power and avoid damage.

With CFL you could then safely use a brighter bulb.

Of course with flouro technology, larger means more power… so you can get CFL bulbs to fill the shades. I’ve seem 30, 40 watts of CFL about that size, but thats equiv 300 watts of incandescent…

I think this is it, 40w version instead of 60w.

You might consider getting a couple extras depending on postage and how long you will be in that place.

Great vintage year.

You can find replacements but I would try adapting a fluorescent tube as it will cut down heat and energy consumption. If you are lucky you can find a CFL of similar length but even if not you should be able to adapt one.

bathroom mirror lights often get used for short lengths of time. using a CFL in that situation will likely have a shorter life than intended.

Plus I can’t imagine one that wouldn’t look horrible in those fixtures. I’ve never seen a CFL that’s a foot long apart from the 85 watt ones designed for construction and outdoor lighting.

Those are cool looking art deco like fixtures, btw.

Just thought I would chime in with, Great looking ‘Art Deco’ fixtures. :cool:
If it were me, I would try and find replacement bulbs. Good luck!

I see that you found them. I was going to suggest aquarium bulbs. A tropical fish shop should be able to find them.

Keep them incandescent, CFLs would not last nor would they look very good with that fixture.