Longest distance driven - alone?

Dallas to Key West
Key West to Harrisburg, Pa
Harrisburg back to Dallas

Over the course of about two months. Stopped and saw EVERY freakin’ thing that caught my eye. I was unemployed at the time but collecting unemployment compensation (thanks, Texas Employment Commission!).

Went to Key West and finished my SCUBA instructor training, up to Harrisburg to visit Pop and then back home. It was spring, I had no schedule and it was one of the best times I ever had.

West Lafayette, IN to Denver CO - dunno how many miles it was, but I drove it alone in 24 hours. Not the smartest thing I’ve ever done, but I was a poor student on spring break and I didn’t want to spend the time or money to get a hotel enroute. I did the same thing driving back a week later.

And I hate to drive. Man, that really was stupid!!