Longest thread started by a "guest"

So I was searching for something else and came upon on of the Greatest Threads Ever[sup]TM[/sup], How to Kill Evil Nazi Groundhogs, when I noticed that the fellow that started it has never registered.

Is this the longest such thread? When did the SDMB stop allowing posts by unregistered guests? Is this guy around here somewhere now?

Don’t know.

Since day 1 of the MB’s existence. What you see is an “artifact” caused by one of the bulletin board upgrades.

Watch out! He’s standing right behind you.

It appears that that thread was started by none other than Scylla.

He’s very much around. Infact, right now, he’s attacking the Walmartians.

“Guest” posters in the present tense have never been allowed in any of the incarnations of the we board since its inception in February or March of 1999. But software changes during the board’s lifetime have left some posts bereft of association with their current or disregistered* originators.

*not necessarily banned, just inactive since the software/database upgrade.

Hmmm…, how to clarify? A lot got dropped.

Some old posters who’ve not been back show up as “guest” while others, such as myself, are back in the system but still have old posts show up as “guest.”

So, we’ve never allowed unregistered guest posters, but it’s a mix as to whether an old poster’s posts will show up as such or not.