Looking for a good hand held chess computer

I am looking for a hand held chess game for a friend. This is to replace one that is damaged, her old game was a Saitek Maestro. I am having trouble locating a replacement. Any ideas? I guess most people use apps for this kind of thing but my friend does not have a “device” and will never get one.

In looking it appears that tablets with chess apps have pretty much killed the category.

Why are you having trouble getting one? There’s several of the exact unit you are looking for sale on ebay.

The only ones I’ve seen are the ones in the toy section at Walmart. I have no idea how good they are.

There’s also this kind with real pieces, but it’s 10 inches, so I’m not sure you’d call it “handheld.”


The Westminster WMR pocket arcade chessmate is probably the closest thing to the Saitek Maestro that’s currently being sold on Amazon, but there are other, older models being sold by third party sellers there as well, including the Maestro (if you are willing to shell out nearly $60).

You could also buy a cheap tablet and download a free chess app. It’s a weird workaround, but would work.

There is a replica of the Turk in existence. It’s not handheld, but at least it no longer requires a hidden little person.