I know of a good site. However, you pay by the year rather than by the question. The quality can be uneven on individual submissions but the breadth of knowledge represented combined with some degree of peer review make the answers converge on a solid and correct whole.
Being somewhat slow on the uptake, I assume that you’re referring to present company? While I do value this site and trust it’s knowledge, there are some questions that aren’t, well, appropriate? That’s not quite the right word…
For instance, if I wanted to ask, “please find me a 44 ounce (approx.) travel cup, suitable for cold drinks, with a straw available, with a positive sealing top (maybe a screw top? Or at least a tight fitting top that won’t loosen and spill the drink), that fits in a car’s cup holder. Insulation is not needed, but ok if provided.” – This question just doesn’t seem to fit on SDMB.
So, anyone know of any sites where a question like this is appropriate and likely to be answered?
After the death of Google Answers, several former Google Answers Researchers (including me) banded together to form Uclue. The site is up and running, and we are glad to be back in harness.