Looking for a remastered CD of Beethoven's Violin Concerto...

…the LP of which I bought maybe in 1960.

David Oistrakh was the Violinist, and I think the recording was done in the UK. I cannot recall the disc label - London?

Anyone with a clue where I can buy it?

Is this it?

I don’t know if this is it, but from the customer reviews, it’s a damned fine recording.
How can I go wrong - DVD and CD.

So I bought it.

Thank you, thank you, thank you!!!

It came today from Amazon, and I just played it.

Beethoven’s Violin Concerto is too good for human ears. Mine, anyway.

I got the same one. Oistrakh is a God among men.

Now that you mention it though I don’t know if I’ve ever watched the included DVD. That may be something for tonight after the DC Symphony Orchestra gets over with their PBS concert.

I have watched just a few minutes of it, so I’ll join you telepathically (or whatever the term is.) :smiley: