Can anyone recommend a good, simple & free utility that can convert DRM protected WMA files to MP3? I have found a few, but they are all trial versions & will only convert the first few mins of a track.
I am looking to just convert a few DRM WMA tracks into MP3 format so they can play on my Sansa player. Therefore, I don’t want to purchase the whole software in order to convert only about 6 tracks. Any suggestions?
Your first link is about converting video files, not audio files, which is what WMA is. (WMA is Microsoft’s audio encoding format, a “rival” to MP3.)
I can’t tell from your second link whether VLC can break the DRM, which is the OP’s main problem. Sansa players should be able to play DRM-free WMA-format files.
It works the same way for all files. I thought that would be obvious.
DRM might be a concern.
Hope this isn’t against the rules, but for such few tracks it might be easiest to merely use the ‘analog hole’. IOW play and re-record the tracks at the same time with two different apps (one that plays DRM WMAs and another that records MP3s)…