But would apply to eating other sentient species.
For a story.
But would apply to eating other sentient species.
For a story.
[snark on]It might help if you searched for words similar to cannibal.[snark off]
Meter Maid?
Maybe the OP means “cannable”, as in “preserving other sentient species for eating”.
Good one alimarx,
Wikipedia defines sentience as the ability to percieve. Given that I can’t think of a much more appropriate term than carnivore.
“Cannible” would appear to mean “capable of being canned” as in “Get me a dozen Mason jars, Sonny – these beans are definitely cannible!”
I don’t know that there is a term for “eating intelligent alien species” – it’s a concept that hasn’t come up often before the 20th Century.
How about “sophontophagous”? (Accent on the “toff” syllable.)
It might help if you describe why sentient species make better food.
If it’s because of an essential nutrititional value that sentience gives to the flesh, perhaps cognivore or even sapivore.
If it’s a philosophical thing, that one should eat higher beings in order to prove themselves even higher on the food chain, I suggest subjectivore.
If it’s a strategic thing, as a way to eliminate potential enemies, how about enmivore or adversivore?
How about cannabinol-ism -istic ?
better yet they could be primavores…one who eats from the top of the food chain.
ah well…good luck ncn
make that ncb
you’d think I’d been smoking weed or something…got the munchies now I’m gonna see who I can find to eat around here
Cephalophages, the dreaded head-eaters of Omega Upsilon V!
Xenophage perhapse, someone who eats foreigners?
Spelling was never my strong soot.
I like the sound of xenophage, maybe xenovore. Sounds sci-fi-y.
Xenophage gets 5170 hits on Google.
Xenophore gets 153 (only 41 unique).
If you want something unique, how about xenannible?
Well, “xenophage” or “xenophore” sounds neato and sci-fi and wicked cool and all that, but the root “xeno” technically means “strange, different, unfamiliar.”
“Sophont” is a much better root. I’d remiss I didn’t recall it myself.
Slight problem there:
-phore means “bearing,” as in Xiphophorus, the “swordtail” of tropical fish hobbyists. -vore means “eating,” as in carnivores and herbivores. Lots of mammals are herbivorous, but the only one that’s herbiphorous would be the sloth, with the algae in its fur.
Along the same lines:
something that eats a variety of species might be called a Poly-vore :eek: