Looking for a youtube video

Youtube’s AI is occasionally fractious and only gives me obscure country western crap I dislike. Occasionally I get some neat stuff, and it will cycle for a few weeks and then vanish. A couple months ago, they were cycling a video I want to send someone but damned if I can remember who it was. and I forgot to tag it as liked.

The video is set in a car and a motel room. It has a male [greaser greased back ducks ass, looks like the actor who was the Indian guy in Northern Exposure who is the son of the scary looking actor from the Untouchables, Frank Niti. ] and a female, also sort of 50s looking. Premis of the song, not a clue other than they seem to be on some sort of crime spree, and she ends up killing him and stuffing him in the trunk of the car. I think the video was at least done by a German production company, band might be german?

Any idea, anybody?

Goodbye Earl by the Dixie Chicks?

If it isn’t the song below, it may be in the genre, which goes by “psychobilly”. Try browsing that search.

Perfect, this is it!!!


Not it, but I like it =) Haven’t heard it in a few years =)