I’ve got a project that’s been kicking around my head for a while now, and I’ve decided to get a start on it. Especially since it seems to be tying in with some of the class work I’ve done.
Basically, I want to make a book recommendation system… good recommendations, not that random stuff that Amazon often recommends. To make it work, though, I’m going to need some base data. I am looking for volunteers to rate books they’ve read off a list of fantasy books. As many people as possible for this, as more data will lead to better recommendations. It shouldn’t take more than a few minutes to rate the books. Right now it’s a short list.
I’ve just started with fantasy for now, because one genre should give me a sense of if this is truly feasible. If not, I’ll scrap the idea and let everyone know. If, however, it seems to work, I may need people to read a recommended book or two. But that’s far enough in the future that I’m not soliciting for that yet. (And I hear all the readers of SDMB let out a collective disappointed sigh, I know.)
Please e-mail me at book.recommendations at gmail dot com if you’d be willing to help me with this. Also, feel free to post here with ideas or suggestions. If nothing else, keeping this on the front page should help me to get more data!
Thanks so much, and thanks to SkipMagic for permission to start the thread.
Well for starters, it’s just going to be correlation calculations - how similar are Person A’s ratings to Person B’s ratings? Not close? How about Person C? When I’ve determined which people your ratings are closest to, I recommend to you things they’ve rated highly that you haven’t rated. If there’s somebody whose ratings are especially dissimilar, I’ll lower potential ratings for you if they rated it highly.
Yep, that’s one of the things that I’ll add later, along with correlations for more things that just individual books. I have a number of ideas on what to base recommendations on, but the first step is getting data to do that with, and see if the basic recommendations work.
Thank you to everyone who has volunteered so far, and anyone else who is interested can still email me at the address in the OP to do some ratings.