Looking for Prayers, good luck, spells - whatever you believe in for my Mother

In my experience, yes. And I am one! :smiley:

Glad she’s feeling good enough to lay on the guilt!

I hope she continues to heal, and feels better. Just tell her you love her, that will help warm her when you can’t be there. Did she get any kind of Thanksgiving meal?

No, but she was not feeling like eating on TG. We were planning on skipping TG this year anyway, as the last two turkeys that we had tasted bad.

Somehow missed this before her surgery… Glad she’s doing well. More prayers and good thoughts headed her (and your) way.

And yes, “don’t bother visiting” generally means “please stop by.” :smiley:


Wish I had seen this thread sooner.

Anyway, I just prayed the Chaplet of the Divine Mercy for your Mom, Khadaji.

I hope she recovers completely.

Haven’t been on the Dope in a few days, so I’m coming to this thread a little late. Prayers headed out for a fast, full recovery.

If she’s stuck in a clinical environment through Christmas, bring her a Bonsai Chrisitmas Tree: Get a pine bonsai, get some miniature decorations, trim it out and you have a portable tree, suitable for hospital, clinic, whatever…

Good luck to your Mom. It’s pretty routine, my Mom went through it and she’s OK.

Take care of yourself, too.

Hysterectomies are routine but pretty major surgery; she’ll have the stuffing knocked out of her for a couple weeks at least, from what I’ve seen of other people. Make sure she doesn’t do too much too soon - her DOCTOR gets to tell her what she can do, and when, not her. This is the voice of experience here, from my piddly little laparascopic procedure - I tried to do too much too soon, and was sick as a dog from it. I don’t believe I’ve ever been paler or weaker.

Good thoughts for you and your mom, Khadaji.

Mine is, yours sounds like they went to the same school.

Prayers for your mom, Khadaji. I’m on my 9th week of recovery from my hysterectomy/bilateral salpingo-oophorectomy for the same thing, uterine cancer.

Will your mom be having any radiation or chemo? Or did they catch it in time so that the hystrectomy is enough?

I go tomorrow to get staged for my radiation treatments and I found out Wed that I have cancer in the pelvic lymph nodes as well. So chemo for me! I’ve already picked out a wig or two and I’m planning on getting a fishfish designs kitty hat (the light blue one with the ears. I want mine to be in either plum, pine or breeze) for those days I don’t want a wig. DogMom says I also need a manic panic wig for the shock value! G

I really do hope that your mom is doing well Khadaji. If you need to talk to someone who is going through this herself, my email is in my profile and you’re welcome to contact me at any time.

I don’t think they know yet, but the doc *thought *that they had caught it in time. She may need some radiation however.

I am so sorry to hear your news. Sending healing thoughts your way too! :slight_smile:

My mom went through this probably eight years ago, over Christmas. She did need radiation and had lymph nodes removed. But she did fine and is in great shape now.

Best wishes.

And best wishes to Catsmeow, too.

Thanks for the best wishes!

Catsmeow, you won’t want to be having any kind of dyed wig, you’ll need a wig that hasn’t been dyed. Chemo patients can have nasty reactions to hair dye. I know this, because Mr. Clawbane’s relative fought cancer and had to have a natural hair wig. She told me why. It may be specific to the kind of chemo, I’m not certain of that. You should check into that before getting a dyed wig though. Good luck in your battle, I’m sending good thoughts your way.

Mom just got the news: Her cancer was only in the outer lining of the uterus. She does not need radiation and once she recovers from the operation she should be fine.

Thanks dopers! :slight_smile:

Never underestimate the amount of clout the Dopers have with The Big Guy! :smiley:

Glad to hear the news is so good.

That IS happy news! Yay for her! (and for you too!)

Glad to hear things are gonna be OK! :slight_smile: