Lordy, Lordy, Lordy, what’s that smell?
Oh my God – IT’S MEEEE! :eek: Or rather, it’s my chin – well actually, it’s that crease that separates my lip from my chin. Good God almighty, how could it be? I’m a clean guy. I shower and shave daily, but yep, I’m sure that’s where the smell came from.
When I woke this morning, I sat on the edge of the bed for a moment to come fully awake. As I sat there bleary eyed, trying to imagine what surprises, misery and pain another day in Hell, (read work), had in store for me, I made the mistake of rubbing my chin. Immediately, my olfactory sensors were screaming at me about the rancid odor wafting into my nostrils. I thought to myself, where could that horrid smell possibly be coming from. I checked to see if Killer’s cat was hanging out in the bedroom and maybe hacked up a hairball on me. Nope, no cat to blame. Let’s face it, my nose is one of my chin’s closest neighbors, and Mr. Nose was damned sure that I had either, A), just stuck my head up my ass, or B), my chin puked. Since it wasn’t dark, it had to be B. I took a quick sniff of the hand that did the rubbing and sure enough there was a lingering trace. Just to be sure, I checked the other hand. Aha, no smell at all. I rub the same area, get more odors, check the hand and the confirmation is complete. Sadly, it is my chin that stinks.
“We have a new member with us here tonight at RSA, (Reekers and Stinkers Anonymous).” “Hi, my name’s DaToad, and…and, I stink…”
Hey, could this be some sort of protective evolutionary mutation? You know, like when someone invades your personal space and gets in your face. You reach up and rub the sewer gland in your chin and the reek drives them back to a tolerable distance. Or is it my body warning me to give up eating all the spicy food I love? Was it a one-time event?
I don’t know WTF it was, or where it came from, but I stumbled to the sink and rinsed my face with plain water. That washed it away, so whatever the hell it was, it was water-soluble. I showered, scrubbed my face nearly raw, and then shaved. I’ll be rubbing and checking for the rest of the day.