Loss of Hair on Back of Calves

Can standing, sitting, or very cold conditions for too long be a cause for loss of hair on the back of ones calves or contribute to it?

I don’t know about standing, sitting, cold weather, etc., but it could be that your pants are rubbing the hair off.

Rubbing/abrasion can wear away hair - if you are standing/walking a lot and your trousers are somewhat rough it could rub off the hair. Ditto if, when you’re sitting, there’s rubbing going on. It doesn’t have to be really noticeable rubbing, just frequent.

Never heard of cold having an effect.

Then why doesn’t happen to the front of ones legs? I heard it was a sign of circulation problems. a fore-runner to heart disease and diabetes. I knew someone who had this condition, diabetes ran in the family.

Being in cattle country, I thought you were talking about the bovine-type calf, not the ones on human legs.

If you’re neither standing nor sitting, all that’s left is constantly lying down (enforced bed rest**) and almost nobody does that, but most people still have the usual fuzz on their calves.

That said, constant abrasion - even a low-level kind - can eventually wear away the hair. Takes a while, though.
** Oh, just remembered the “Sloth” scene in Se7en … :eek:

Would depend on the cut of the clothing, if clothing is the culprit. If the fabric rubs the back of the leg that’s where it will fall out, the front isn’t rubbed then friction loss won’t occur there.

Well, yes, it can be that.

Women undergoing menopause can lose significant body hair due to hormone changes, I suppose the same could apply to men as they age as well.

When I worked I lost the hair on the back of my calves. Turns out it was due to the distant wearing of high cotton socks and work boots. Nor that I no longer wear them, the hair has grown back.

When I was diagnosed as type 2 diabetic, my endocrinologist looked at the pattern of hair loss on my legs, and told me how long I’d been diabetic.

A lot of people have a denuded sock ring all the way around if they wear elastic-topped socks.

I put little tea cozies on my calves when they are out grazing. It keeps their backs warm till the hair grows back.

I know the backs of my calves become much hairier in the summer when I switch to shorts.

Yes, it can be friction from tight fitting clothes, and yes, it can be a sign of impaired circulation as happens with diabetes and peripheral vascular disease. So if it’s new to you, and especially if you haven’t changed your wardrobe lately, do ask your doctor to take a peek and see if she wants to run any tests.