Lost 2.1: "Man of Science, Man of Faith"

Label on the bottle:

CR 4-81516-23 42
FOR INJECTION. . . (wraps around the side)
xxxx Multiple Dxxx xxx (too small for me to read)

Hmm, where have I seen those numbers before. . .

Did Locke just break the mirror?

“4 8 15 16 23 42. 4 8 15 we’re dead 16 23 42.”
“That’s great. Look in the burning death hole.”

Hurley’s still in fine form, I see.

Was Walt just wet, or was that…blood?

#(&#(&(&(@&(#&U( It’s WALT! Or is it…


I am loving those Dylan McKay sideburns Jack’s sporting, by the way. :slight_smile:

My guess is… Alex is down the hatch.

We need more Kate !




That flashback wig is atrocious, though. Gaaaaack.

This will save you a little time, John. I posted a thread at the end of last season with all the Season 1 thread links, in order. Just copy 'em from here:

Lost: Season 1 Wrap-Up (all the links)

Dude! The hole ate Kate!




Damn, that’s a bright light… Hunky Hatch Dweller grabbed Kate, and now she’s in a better place… :wink:

Dr. 90210, this fall on Fox! :slight_smile:

And was anybody else just reminded of Mars Needs Women?

So did Locke go down it, too?

So maybe it will be Flashback Desmond down the hatch (“see you in another life, brother”). Wouldn’t that be a small world…

We’ll be seeing more of Desmond, I think. He was too random to be just random.

If he wasn’t on the back of the plane, he’s already among the Others.

In case anyone’s interested, lyrics for “Make Your Own Kind Of Music” by the Mamas And The Papas are here. .

Does that place scream “evil lab” to anybody else?