Lost 2.10: "The 23rd Psalm"

The plane that took off did not have the same tail numer as the plane on the island.
The plane on the island was a US registered plane – N(something) (did anyone catch it?) and the plane in Nigeria was 5Z- something (presumable a Nigerian registration)

Both were Beech 18s tho.


Oooh, good plan – but after that Hurley-distributes-the-food-party, he may have to settle for buying more of those jars of invisible peanut butter. :wink:

We were DVR’ing as we were watching. The images in the smoke were images from Eko’s flashback. One of the old man he shot. One of the guy with the gold tooth. One of one of the women in the church. One of Jesus on the cross. One of the church. Maybe others that we missed.

I wonder what Locke saw when he faced it.


Does it matter? Everyone will be high anyway!

Speaking of which, was anybody else thinking along those lines when Eko was telling Charlie to climb the tree, because he needed “to get higher”, and see if he could spot the plane…?

I was thinking, Charlie is the one character who doesn’t need to get higher…

Good episode. I think we knew that Eko had some demons in his past but I had no idea. I will need to rewatch that, does anyone remember what Eko’s brother told him we Eko asked him to make them priests, something like “you could never be a priest because …”?. So for Eko to call himself a priest then he must feel like he’s overcome that.

The cloud was interesting. I was thinking that the ticking noise sounded like computer noises. I couldn’t make out the images, if they were from his flashback do you suppose the “smoke” can read minds?

Well, Charlie has been a bit disappointing and annoying lately. I can see how a recovered addict stranded on an island might feel a need to set some aside in case of emergency. Hell, if I had been the first one to find those candy bars I doubt if anyone else would have seen any. :stuck_out_tongue:

Charlie still has some growing up to do. He died for a few minutes, killed a man and has had a lot happen to him on the island and he still doesn’t seem to have learned anything. I hope that he eventually gets it.

The noises in the cloud sounded to me like electrical discharges.
I hope seeing it finally puts to rest those people who kept insisting there was a prosaic answer for everything we’ve seen on the island. This is, I must repeat, one of three things: superscience, supernatural or extraterrestrial.

I don’t know anything about drugs, but I was wondering if the heroin could be used for anything medicinal. It may’ve been a bad idea to burn it all up, and it may provide a way for Charlie to redeem himself if they need it later and he can give up his stash.

I know the Beechcraft has been on the island for a while - I wondered if Eko became a priest in reality in the time from his brother’s being taken on the plane and the time his plane went down.


Nice that bible-stick carrying Mr. Eko holds the [url="biblical Aaron in such high esteem.

Just dashed back from vacation with time to spare so I could watch this show. Really.

Great moments and some great lines which have probably been mentioned: Jesus stick, Pillsbury, Eko staring down that freaky dark cloud. It seemed to be flashing. I wondered if it was recording images.

 Poor young Eko and his little brother.  I admire Adewale's acting more with each appearance he makes.  

 Is everyone convinced that WAAAAAALLLT is the one doing the typing?  I don't know if I am, yet.

I thought it was a really good episode, and I like Eko’s character a lot now. That was a very well done backstory - maybe the best one yet. Certainly light years ahead of the lame Ana Lucia backstory.

A couple of annoying things…

So, you’re stranded on an island, possibly forever. What’s a guy to do? Oh, I know! Let’s go shoot jars of our own food! Won’t that be fun?

And I’m getting a little tired of the lame writer’s technique of building drama by having one character be pointlessly mysterious. When Charlie said, “Why do you want to find the plane?”, Eko could have said, “Because I think I know who was in it. Drug runners from my country. They took my brother.” Or something similar. In other words, actually give him an answer. Instead he resorts to silence and threats, which are totally at odds with his newfound Christianity.

What was Waaaalt typing when Jack so rudely interrupted their conversation?

It looked like “You have to co-”. And then the shot was interrupted by Jack.

“You have to come…”

That was irresponsible. It was Ranch dressing. They should have burned it, to be sure.

Oh, and the other thing that bugged me:

“Man, won’t it suck if we have to have teeth pulled or an operation here with no anaesthetic? Oh, look - heroin! Let’s destroy it.”

“Drugs are bad, m’kay?”

Okay, I taped it and just watched it. I’m confused about a few issues.

Why did Eko want his brother to sign the papers? As his brother pointed out, they proved nothing. You don’t get ordinated by another priest. And as a forgery, what was the point? If the papers worked as some kind of pass, why not just fake a signature on the bottom of an already forged pass? These guys were carrying AK-47’s - did they really think they were going to convince anyone they were real priests?

And what was the point of grabbing Eko’s brother into the plane and making Eko stay behind? And how was Eko supposed to successfully take his brother’s place as a priest? That would only work to they got to the first town and somebody said “you’ve got the wrong brother, he’s the criminal.”

And finally the big one: A guy in Nigeria watchs his brother take off in a plane. Years later he takes off on another plane in Australia. And both planes happen to crash on the same South Pacific island so he is able to find his brother’s body. All I can say is that if the writer’s manage at some future point to explain this coincidence in a believable non-supernatural way it will be the most amazing piece of writing in television history.

Thank you!

I think they could have given Eko a much better backstory. I really like Eko, but now he’s as lame as the rest of them.

I was more thinking that it was dumb to burn the plane, who knows what type of resources it might have had. Radio equipment, tools, and I’m sure that fuel might have come in handy.

Next time just drag the body to the ground and burn it there, go nuts, reenact the final scene from Jedi.

That’s exactly what I thought.
And I was also waiting for the computer to ask to play Global Thermonuclear Warfare. Damn, I’m old.

“Jesus Stick” :smiley: