Lost 4.04: "Eggtown"

Well, I was thinking it was him because of the scene with him, Claire, and Kate. Kate mentioned she is bad with kids, and so forth, so I just thought it would make sense that Kate wound up with him.

Of course, when her and Jack were talking, didn’t she say it was his son? I can see her saying that to everyone else, but she wouldn’t have a reason to lie to Jack and say it was his, since he would know it’s not.

Oh, and now we know that the Oceanic 6 are HUGE liars. They now say only 8 survived the crash? So, assuming that we know 4/6 (I won’t count Aaron,) that leaves 2 more off the island that we don’t know, and then 2 more that the 6 claimed survived the crash, but either died later, or just didn’t get off the island.

Well, the previews said another of the Oceanic 6 would be revealed in that episode. Since we didn’t see anyone else in Kate’s flash forward it seems that Aaron would indeed be one of the six. However, as has been said, that leaves a whole bunch of new questions.

I was semi-hoping that the grenade would slip out of Miles’ mouth right in the middle of John Locke’s speech. Then John could’ve gotten some giant bug-eyes right before the grenade blew up the entire boat shed. Man, I should be a writer on this show.

I guessed the baby was Aaron, but hoped it was Sawyer’s. Yeah, I’m a romantic.

God, I hate hate Locke. Such a know-it-all. Next he’ll be invading other islands. Evolved, my ass.

And sending off the helicopter without staying in radio contact? not a good plan.

If the guy Miles is working for is so powerful, why is he so ready to double-cross him?

Sawyer sure knows how to turn on the charm, but he doesn’t seem to have much control over it. Horny bugger.

I was losing interest for awhile – so much to keep track of. But the lie of only eight survivors and two of them died later? It’s intriguing. Jack and Kate both look so haunted.

At the start of last season, or the last half-season, when bearded Jack met up with Kate at an airport – didn’t he say something about a husband? Am I misremembering?

She said something like “He’ll be expecting me”. We all thought she meant Sawyer or some other new SO. Now we know she meant Aaron.

Also, we now know why they had to meet so furtively. Kate was sneaking out of state against the terms of her plea bargain.

So, they were going to trial based on one emotionally-involved witness and their whole case was (apparently) built around it?


I wonder if being able to “pretend” Ben is dead is supposed to lead us to believe that Whomever Is In Charge can’t ever (or will never) come on the island for some reason?

Oh and what is “Eggtown”? Did I miss it?

You can check the Lostpedia for this episode for the answer to that, scroll down it’s closer to the bottom. No spoilers, just discussion of the episode. I don’t think it’s ever really referred to in the episode.

Closed-captioning said “Aaron”.

Legal Nitpick. Normally in a criminal trial the prosecution presents it’s case, then the defense presents its witnesses. In this episode the defense calls the good doctor, which means the prosecution case is over. But wait, the prosection has yet to call its chief witness. HUH?

Why was the trial held in California? I thought Kate did her murdering in the Midwest or South somewhere?

In the first season during a Claire flashback a fortune teller told her to never let another person raise the child. I do not remember the words exactly but he seemed adamant.

Yes, it was sadistic, but I was glad that he did it, given how incurious some of the characters are. At least he’s trying get some answers.

Once again: why on earth is Harold Perrineau’s name in the credits when he’s not in this ep.??

 I had thought perhaps Michael and Walt had ended up on the "Rescuers' " boat at some point.     We still haven't laid eyes on said boat.  Maybe next week?

I think Harold Perrineau’s name is in the credits for contractual reasons. He’s considered a “regular” and has to be billed and paid as one.

Don’t you ask this (and isn’t your question answered) in every week’s LOST thread?

Or maybe that’s someone else.

Anyway, someone asks this every week, and is answered every week.


The house she blew up definitely seemed Texas-y (and her name is Austin), but I don’t believe they’ve ever said exactly where that took place. I seem to remember the flashback that revealed the boyfriend she got killed took place in California. But perhaps it is taking place in LA strictly because she and Jack need to be near each other for the “plot” to advance. :slight_smile:

The trial was held in Southern California since Jack was close to the hospital. Lostpedia says that Kate killed her (step)father in Iowa.