Lost 5.15 "Follow The Leader"

I may be the only one but I find smug, know-it-all Locke disgusting.
and I like the all-knowing Richard Alpert better than the vague Richard we saw this week.
Why didn’t Widmore go off to see the bomb? Does he not swim?
was glad to see Sayid.
I used to like Kate but I like Sawyer/Juliet so much more.

What I’d like for the last season: Something happens in this year’s finale that does change the timeline - and Charlie, Shannon, Boone, and everybody come back! they’re not dead! but its like the monkey’s paw - it’s not great when they come back.

The guy that played Kelvin was in Pet Semetary 2!

Nice username/post combo. Heh.

Put yourself in Alpert’s shoes. Let’s say you live on a magic island. A guy and a gal come to you today (2009) and they say they’re from the future. You believe them.

They say their leader is dead, and he was a smart guy. The leader threw out some idea about having to blow up your magic island to restore a time line. The guy wants to carry out the plan even though he only heard the smart guy’s theory once as a quick explanation, sounding like a sudden revelation, only a few minutes before the smart guy croaked. The gal does not want to carry it out, objecting strenuously.

You ask, “What time line needs restoration?”

He explains, “Well, you see, 30 years form now, in 2039, we crash on this island and we think it’s miserable. We don’t like it and some of our friends die.” The guy says he wants to nuke your magic island in 2009 to prevent his misery, which begins in 2039.

He convinces the mother of the smart guy, who just shot her own future son, that her smart guy son might come back to life if the plan is right.

The gal says she wants to let things be and doesn’t think it’s worth the risk of killing everyone and destroying the island via nuke because the theory could be COMPLETELY WRONG. Not to mention, the smart guy expressed this nuke theory as a very new thought after years and years of study and he lacks the ability to think it through because he’s dead now.

What do you say?

“Let me take you to our hidden nuke.”

It’s not a bad theory, except that we DID see Jacob. It was only for a brief moment, but we saw him sitting at the table. We also saw the cabin shake as a result of Jacob being POed. Finally, the cabin has appeared and disappeared with Claire in it. Certainly there is something going on beyond just Ben and Richard believing that Jacob exists.

On Jacob: I think it’s curious that the only people we’ve recognized in the cabin are Christian and Claire. I see Jack tying in with Jacob somehow, as this seems too coincidental (even for L O S T) to not have some meaning.

Wasn’t the bomb leaking thirty years ago when Faraday first scoped it out?

The thing you’re ignoring is that Richard is NOT the leader of the Others. In the present, John is; in the past, Ellie Hawking is. He’s an adviser to the leader, but there is obviously some very strict rule in place that a mortal must lead the Others.

I’m pretty sure a leaking hydrogen bomb sitting in a damp cave for 23 years actually might not work IRL.

Define “lead”. Jacob tells people what to do and when, he just doesn’t have to fill out all the paperwork. Sounds like the leader to me.


Not to mention how are they planning to set it off? Draw straws to see who will smack the tip with a hammer?

But Jacob doesn’t seem to way in on every issue. There are times when the Leader has to make decisions for the group that are beneath Jacobs attention.

This is what I was wondering, who the hell knows how to set off a bomb? The only guy that would know is dead. I do like your idea though, reminds me of Bugs Bunny. I actually liked the episode, much more then the last couple.

Just what I came to post. Foward March Hare, ~6:43

Conveniently, supersoldier Sayid is there. And even if he wasn’t, this is LOST. They’d just say Eloise was trained in munitions (see Desmond & Jin on the frieghter).

No, it looked like crap in SD, too.

Other possibilities:

  1. Daniel’s notebook has instructions.
  2. Ellie remembers Daniel’s speech about how easy it is to set of the bomb by shooting near it.
  3. Black Rock. Dynamite. Kaboom.
  4. They remove Radzinsky’s penis one centimeter at a time until he agrees to do it for them while they run away. He seems like a big baby, so probably it would just take Sayid threatening him with an indian burn.

I’m personally hoping it’s 4, but I suspect it’s a combination of 1 and 2 or 3.

Ellie is the leader? I must have missed that somewhere along the way.

Also, if Jacob is the leader for only “big” decisions, wouldn’t nuking the island qualify?

I don’t think there’s any evidence of that. Widmore was the leader for some time before Ben took over. It’s not clear who was the leader when Locke ran into Alpert in '54, but Ellie seemed:

  1. Too young; and

  2. To be taking orders from Alpert.

When Alpert saved Ben in 74, somebody asked Alpert if he shouldn’t check with Charles or Ellie, but I think at that point Ellie was leader by injection. :wink:

I’m incredibly satisfied he ends up shooting his own head off. What a total turd. I’d LOVE to see Sayid kick him around a little while I enjoyed the sadism comfortably from my couch.