LOST 6.17 "The End"

But that’s the point. These are professional writers. I expect them to do better than I would. I expect them to surprise me with a consistent, imaginative and clever story better than I could create. Otherwise, why pay attention to them at all?

I’m an engineer. I have some sense of personal accountability with respect to my profession. I wouldn’t sneer at you and ask if you could imagine a better bridge if I were to fail at my responsibilities and build one that failed to hold up under weight.

But that said, I’m not unhappy with the finale. Lost has always seemed to me to be an entertaining show that didn’t really know where it was going, and the final episode, and indeed, the final season, just confirmed that. The first seasons are not inconsistent with the last, and if you expected something more, I don’t blame you, but I do think you were optimistic.

In the interest of full disclosure, I didn’t watch the show at first, caught up on three seasons belatedly, and watched intermittently after that. My interest for the last couple of seasons has been continued for two reasons: the drama is interesting even if the underlying theme is disjointed, and I wanted know if my initial suspicion was correct: The writers of this show, after the first season, were thinking, “OMFG, we just got renewed. How the hell do we now make sense of this hash?”